Home Sick

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Amber's POV

I've been home for 3 weeks now. Blake comes as often as he can. I'm thankful for that.

I had him tell Vinny I had to stay out this season. The official season starts next Friday, it's hard for me cause I've never missed a game. Now I've missed multiple.

I've finally settled into my old room. I'm glad Mom is letting me stay here. I know we both need each others support.

The other night I had woken up screaming because I'm still in shock. My mom ran in my room and slept with me. I'm not ashamed... I'm my moms big baby.

Blake's POV

These past few weeks have been rough, for everyone. Chris' wife Jada is sick, he's always busy with the kids. DJ sprained his knee, he's out for two weeks. Obviously Amber and her mom have it extremely hard.

With Amber being Oklahoma it's so strange for me. I've never been in LA without her, and when I was I didn't know who she was. My house doesn't feel like home, since she practically lived here and now she's gone.

I'm flying out next week, the last time before the season. Once the season starts I won't be able to fly out nearly as much as I do now.

Like I said I've never gone a season without Amber there, cause she came for work clearly. I don't know how I'm gonna take it.

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