Chapter 50: Never Letting You Go

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I've been at Adam's place in Toronto for a couple weeks. Hunter has called me nonstop since everything that happened on Raw. I've ignored every call, every text, every tweet, everything. The kids love being up here in the mountains. It's really peaceful and beautiful! The kids love spending time with Adam! Hell Adam loves the kids and treats them like they are his own, which is really sweet!

In the couple weeks that we've been staying with Adam, I've realized something. I realized that...

"Des?" Adam said hesitantly from the door way

I looked up at him from my spot on his comfy bed "Yea?" I asked

He looked back down the hall then back at me "Hunter's here."

My eyes widened and I jumped off the bed "What?"

He stepped away from the door frame and towards me "I didn't let him in. He's outside wanting to talk to." He sighed and looked down "He wants to take you and the kids back."

I hugged Adam "I know what he wants. But that doesn't mean I want the same thing anymore."

I pulled away and walked outside to talk to my 'husband'. As soon as I stepped foot out the door I was embraced in a tight hug.

"Don't ever do that to me again." Hunter said

I pulled away from him and stepped back "What do you want Hunter?" I asked

"I want to talk to you." He said

I looked into his eyes and what I saw made me realize that this wasn't the Hunter I know. He's changed and I don't like it because it hasn't been for the better.  How could I trust him again? How could I believe anything he tells me? The answer is very simple, I can't believe him and I can't trust him. And knowing that hurts because I used to trust him, I used to believe everything he told me and now I can't.

Feeling a hard kick to my side, I instantly put my hand there and looked down at my now noticeable baby bump.

Hunter stepped closer to me "What's wrong?" He asked

I looked up at him and shook my head "Nothing, the baby kicked that's all. Now what do you want to talk about?" I asked

He looked at me and then at my stomach "Can I?" He asked and I nodded

He placed his hand on my stomach and the baby kicked causing him to smile. Feeling uncomfortable I stepped back after a couple seconds and hurt flashed across his face but then he went back to his solid blank look.

"Seriously Hunter what did you want to talk about?" I asked crossing my arms

He looked down "Don't do this." He said looking up at me "Please, don't do this. I am so sorry about how I've been acting towards you. I've been stupid and I don't know what came over me to try and get with Stephanie. God I.." He trailed off as he paced and then he stopped and looked at me "I love you and only you."

"How can I believe that? How do I know you're not just telling me that so that you don't look like an ass to the fans and the board?" I whispered

He looked at me "I will walk away from it all. I'll walk away from the company, the money, my career, the fans, the fame, everything. I will give it all up right now."

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes "No you won't." I whispered shaking my head

He stepped towards me "Yes I would. I would do that if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with you and our kids. I too--" He started but I cut him off

"Hunter" I whispered and he looked at me and I shook my head again "You won't do it."

He took my hand in his "How do you know I won't? I'll do it right now, I'll call Vince and I'll tell him I quiet."

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