Chapter 10: Life at Home

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Cameron's POV

Ahhh home. Ok well its not my home. Its Matt and Jeffs. They invited me, Amy, Des, Adam, and Jason to stay the three days we have off at their place. Its been nice so far. The first day here we all just relaxed and watched movies. Im sharing a room with Jeff ;) Des and Adam are sharing a room and Matt and Amy are sharing a room ;) Jason has a room all to his self. He says he is cool with it. But we all know he wishes his girlfriend was with us. Me, Amy, and Des went into Jason's room and laid on his bed. Ok truth is we tried to get him out of the bed but we got bored so we just crashed there.

Today is our last day here. In all honesty Im gonna miss this place. I had a blast being here. Jeff and me have had fun away from everyone. He took me out yesterday and we stayed out real late. Adam took Des out too. She didnt tell me anything about their date. She says its between her and Adam. I think something happened if you know what I mean ;) If I end up being an aunt then we know what happened :)

Yesterday Me Amy and Des went shopping before our dates. We didnt really get anything.

Right now we are on our way to the airport. We have to fly to the next show. I honestly have no idea were its at. I didnt really pay attention. Me and Des were busy during the meeting with Vince.

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