Chapter 16: The Return and Shocker

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Cameron's POV

Des and Hunter got back yesterday. Des called me and told me that we had to talk. So today me, her and Steph are gonna hang out and talk. Im a little nervous about she wants to talk about. We have to be at the arena so we are gonna hang out in our well now my locker room. Jeff is actually returning tonight. He is supposed to get in the ring and confront Adam but I have a feeling a small fight might break out. Right now me and Steph are waiting on Des to get here.

"So what do you think she wants to talk about?" Steph asked

"I dont know. But by the sound of her voice over the phone. I would say she is freaking out and probably thinks one or both of us is going to be mad at her." I said

"You are right." we both turned towards the door and there stood my sister.

"Come sit. Talk." Steph said

She walked over and sat between us. She looked scared and nervous.

"Come on Des. Whats wrong?" I asked

"Please dont hate me." she said

"We wont hate you." Steph said

Des took a deep breathe "Me and Hunter. We um slept together." she said "but we were drunk. And--"

"Its ok." Steph cut her off

Des looked at her shocked "What do you mean its fine?"

"It was bound to happen sometime. I cant tell you what to do Des. You and Hunter are married." Steph chuckled

"Your making it seem like you dont care" Des groaned

I chuckled "You want her to get mad and hit you?" I asked

"I dont care." Des whispered

Me and Steph laughed.

We talked about where they went for their honeymoon. What they did. She told us about the incident at the pool. Me and Steph were laughing. Steph actually was taking all this well. We both know that we were going to find a way to get them out of this marriage.

The door opened and in came Hunter, Jason, John, Randy, dad, Matt, and Jeff!

"Hello ladies!" Hunter said.

"JEFF!" Des screamed and jumped him

We all chuckled

"I see how it is. Jump Jeff and not even say hi to your own husband." Steph said laughing

"Eh my husband can deal with it. I havent seen Jeffro in awhile." She said.

We all caught up on everything that has happened. I even filled Des in about Adam and Amy's relationship.

There was a knock on the door

"Come in." I yelled

It opened to reveal Vince "Des can I see you outside for a moment." he said. He looked sad like he was going to give her bad news.

"Umm ok." she got up and walked out to the hall

Desiray's POV

I walked out to the hall where Vince was. Once I got out there I noticed there was a cop.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Des your not gonna like this." Vince said "Maybe we should have Hunter or your dad or maybe Cam out here to."

"Thats fine." The officer said.

Vince walked to the door "Can one of you some out here with Des please." he said

Then Hunter, Shawn, Cam, Jeff, Cam well everyone just came out.

"What going on?" Hunter asked standing by me. I noticed the other wrestlers were watching near by. I even saw Adam and Amy.

"Im sorry sir who are you?" the cop asked

"Im her husband. Thats her dad and sister. And the rest are our friends." Hunter said

"Can you please just get to the point." I asked

"Oh yes. Sorry. Um well there was an accident two days ago. We couldnt get a hold of you." He said

"I was on my honeymoon." I said

"Oh well congratulations. Anyways it involves your friend Sara." he said and my breathe caught in my throat.

Sara. My best friend from back home. I helped her through everything. I was there for her when she sound out she was pregnant. I was there for the birth of her son. I was there for her up until I left and I always kept in contact.

"What happened?" I whispered

"She was hit by a drunk driver. Killed instantly." he said "Im sorry ma'am"

"Where's Jesse? What happened to him? Is he ok?" I asked frantically

"He is fine. He wasnt with her when it happened. We had to place him in temporary foster care until we could reach you." he said

"Where is he?" I asked

"With an officer down the hall" he said

"I want to see him. Bring him to me please" I whispered

He called his partner and told him to bring Jesse over. I saw him down the hall. He looked so scared. He was only 7. Once he saw me he ran towards me. I bent down and engulfed him in a hug once he was close enough. He started crying.

"She's gone. Des mommys gone." he cried

"I know sweetie. I know. Im here now. I promise Im not going anywhere." I whispered as tears fell from my eyes

"Ma'am" the officer said

I looked up at him then stood up picking Jesse up as I did. "Yes."

"Sara named you sole guardian of Jesse." he said "Now we can give you some time to think about it."

"No. He is staying with me." I said

"Alright. Well than we just need you to sign this paper. Then we will leave." he said handing me a paper

After I signed it I handed it to him. They left and I turned to everyone.

"Here let me take Jesse." Cam said

"No its fine." I said

"Come on lets give them some time to talk" dad said and everyone followed leaving me and Hunter with Jesse

"Hunter." I started but he cut me off

"Its fine. Its what you want to do. I understand. We can do this." He said pulling me into a hug "Looks like we have a kid." he chuckled

"I guess so." I said pulling away "What do you think about that Jesse? Want to be a family with me and Hunter?" I asked him

He looked at me and Hunter "Yes." he sniffed

I looked at Hunter and smiled. Hunter had a smile on his face. We were now a family. Wow we have only been married for 2 weeks and now we have a 7 year old. Thats a big shocker.

"Just one question" Hunter said looking at both me and Jesse

"Whats that?" Jesse asked rubbing his eye

"Would you Jesse like to have my last name?" Hunter asked. My eyes widened. His last name. Then that would make everyone think that Jesse is really his kid. And mine.

Jesse nodded his head real fast. I chuckled and so did Hunter

Yupp this is a shocker.

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