Chapter 5: The Club and After Math

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Cameron's P.O.V

Amy was in mine and Des' hotel room. We were getting ready to go clubbing with Matt, Jeff, Adam and Jason. Amy was wearing a cute red dress that stopped mid thigh. Her hair was straight and her make up was light. I was wearing a cute blue dress that stopped mid thigh. My hair was curled at the ends and my makeup was light.

I was putting on my black heels when Des came out of the bathroom.

"You look pretty!" Amy said

"I agree." I said

She looked at us and smiled "Thanks. You guys look great!"

"Thanks!" me and Amy said at the same time.

Des was wearing a black strapless dress that went to midthigh. Her hair was lightly curled. No makeup and Silver heels.

"Adam is going to go crazy!" Amy said

"Woah Adam??" I asked

"Yeah. Des has this huge crush on him!" Amy answered before Des

"Ok so I have a crush on him. He doesn't like me. Plus Jeff is going to go crazy about Cam!" she said changing the subject.

"Jeff?" Amy asked

"Cam likes Jeff!!" Des smirked

"Ok enough chit chat lets go." I said.

We met the guys in the lobby. Adam couldn't keep his eyes off Des. I noticed Jeff kept looking at me. Matt wouldn't leave Amy's side and Jason well he didn't have a date.

At the club we all had a blast. We had drink after drink. Danced to too many songs that I lost count. It was getting late and we all decided to head back. At the hotel I noticed there was some girl with us but I didn't pay attention. Amy and Matt went to their room. I ended up going to someones room and I don't know what happened with Des.

Desiray's P.O.V

--Next morning--

I woke up with the sun in my face. So not helping the hangover. I noticed my room looked different. As I looked around the room I noticed the body next to me. Then it hit me like a fucking train. Like a choke slam by Taker that lead to a pedigree. The person next to me was....................... Jason. Holy shit. What happened. That's when my brain decided to register the fact that my dress was on the floor. My bra was at the end of the bed along with my underwear. OH MY GOD. I slept with JASON. No No no no no no no no. This cant be happening. God Im so screwed. Jason started to stir and my eyes widened more.

"Morning." he groaned.

"Jason." I whispered. He looked at me the closed his eyes again. Then they shot open and he sat up.

"What happened?" he asked

"Like Im supposed to know what happened after all those shots I did." I scoffed

"Oh shit Im dead." he muttered

"You and me both buddy." I said "Wait where's Adam?" I asked starting to freak out again.

He looked at me wide eyed. Then looked around the room. "Well we are in your room so Im guessing he is in our room." he whispered

"Shit wheres Cam? Oh god dad's going to kill me." I got up wrapping the sheet around me.

"You dad is going to kill me before he kills you. Plus Hunter will help kill me and you know it." Jason said grabbing his boxers and putting them on.

Just as I was reaching for my bra the door opened and in walked Cam, dad and Hunter. Im.Screwed.

"What the fuck?" dad and Hunter said

Cam started laughing "Oh my god I thought you were Adam." Cam shut the door and grabbed my clothes and drug me into the bathroom.

After me and Jason had got dressed we were all sitting in the small living room. Dad looked ready to murder Jason. Cam was silently laughing. Hunter was glaring at him. I looked at everyone and said three simple words.

"Don't tell anyone." everyone nodded and we went on with the day trying to act like nothing happened.

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