Chapter 19: Pranks and Telling The World Part 1

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--Desiray's POV--

"Mommy get up." I felt someone, more specifically Jesse, jumping on the bed. I groaned and opened my eyes to look at him.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked groggily. I want nothing more than to go back to sleep in this surprisingly comfy hotel bed. Morning sickness and me aren't getting along. Its pure hell right now. But luckily I haven't had it today.

"Are you going to get up? I wanna play. And daddy is busy getting ready for tonight." he pouted still jumping on the bed. And right now its starting to make me feel sick.

"Tonight? Jesse sweetie please stop jumping." I said.

"Jesse do what your mother said. Stop jumping." Hunter said coming into the room.

Jesse jumped so he would fall laying down beside me. But before he even stopped bouncing after falling I ran to the bathroom. Great. And here I thought I wouldnt have to deal with this today. Hunter was behind me holding my hair while Jesse sat up on the bed looking sad and worried.

"Whats tonight?" I asked Hunter after I was finished emptying my already empty stomach.

He chuckled "Tonights Raw babe." my eyes went wide. How did I forget? "Dont worry about it. You can stay here." he said

"Im gonna go. I havent been there in 2 weeks. I miss everyone. I hate being cooped up and you know that" I said as I sat on the bed with Hunter following.

"Im sorry mommy. I didnt mean to make you sick." Jesse said

"Oh no baby. It wasnt your fault. Dont worry about it ok?" I said. He just nodded his head.

I smirked and started tickling him. He started laughing and squirming around trying to get away from me. Next thing I know Im getting tickled by Hunter which results in me laughing and stop tickling Jesse. Then Im ganged up on. Hunter and Jesse are tickling me.

"O-ok. Pl-please stop. Please." I said laughing trying to breathe.

"Say the magic words" Hunter said

I shook my head. "Mommy you have to say the magic words" Jesse said

"Ok. Ok. Jesse is awesome and Hunter is the best." I said. Those are soo not the magic words but hey it also works.

"Yes I am and you know it!" Hunter said with a wink and I slapped his arm.

"Seriously say the magic words" Jesse said

"Ok fine. I love you!" I said.

Jesse smiled and hugged me then kissed my cheek "I love you to mommy." That made me smile.

"I love you too babe!" Hunter said then kissed me making Jesse scream gross and run out of the room.

we pulled away chuckling "I guess tonight the WWE Universe finds out that we are having a baby." I said

"Yup. So is everyone in the back. Well besides Shawn, Cam, Jeff, Matt, John, Randy, Steph, Vince and Linda, Shane, and Jason." he said getting off the bed and pulling me with him.

"Yea. Well Im going to call Cam and see if she wants to watch Jesse while we go out there." I said

"We?" he said looking at me

"Yes we. You knocked me up your telling the WWE Universe with me. Especially since Amy or someone might try to come and attack me." I said

He chuckled "I was just messing with you babe." he said and walked out of the room

I picked up my phone and called Cam.

"Hello" she said

"Hey Cammie!" I said

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