Chapter 1: (The Past) Here Comes Goodbye

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Third Person P.O.V

Alex had just finished putting her things into the car. As she walked back in the house she saw her two little girls watching TV and playing around. Alex watched her oldest daughter Desiray, who had barely turned 1, pick up her baby sisters, Cameron, toy. Cameron was barely 3 months and she was already best friends with her older sister. Alex smiled then quickly went to the girls' room to get their things. As she made her way to the room she saw the pictures that held memories of her and Shawn over the years. As she got the girls' things she remembered when they first met, to their latest trip to the park.


Alex was sitting under a tree to hide from the bright sun. She was reading her book when someone stood over her. As she looked up she came face to face with a really cute guy. They sat together under the tree and talked for hours. Alex was starting to fall for this guy. She learned his name was Shawn and he worked for WWE.

As Shawn walked Alex to her car he couldn't help but smile at her beauty. She was beautiful. He was falling for her already! Her kind smile melted his heart and her eyes he could stare into forever. Shawn found himself wanting to spend forever with this girl. He could already see it. Them living together, getting married, and then kids. As they reached her car Shawn took a chance and asked her out.

Alex smiled when Shawn asked her out. So she said yes and they planed their date for the next day.

End of flashback:

Alex thought about how perfect everything was on that date. That day in the park resulted in her falling for the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. She wouldn't change who she fell for cause if she did then she wouldn't have her beautiful girls. As she picked up a Teddy bear Shawn had got Desiray when she was born, she remembered the day she told him she was pregnant.


Shawn had just got back from getting their dinner. Alex was in the bathroom staring at the test in her hands. All that was on Alex's mind was 'I'm pregnant'. Shawn was setting the food on the table when Alex came down the stairs with a huge smile on her face. Shawn smiled at her, just seeing her and that smile could brighten his day.

"Shawn I'm pregnant!" and those words that she said made his heart soar.

"Really??" all Alex did was nod and kept that smile on her face "This is amazing!!" Shawn picked her up and spun her around. Setting her down he kissed her with so much passion.

End of flashback:

Alex remembered how it was the same with Cameron. Shawn was so ecstatic to have another baby. After each girl was born Shawn waited 2 weeks then he would take them to work and show them off. He loves those girls and would do anything for them. But all Alex asked for was for him to be home a little more. She knows he loves his job and that he worked hard to get where he is. She just wishes he would be there for the girls a little more and help out more. Alex pushed those thoughts aside and hurriedly got the girls' things and took them outside. She knew Shawn would be home soon and she was trying to avoid that situation. Once she got the things in the car she ran inside to grab the girls.

Shawn was almost home and he couldn't wait to see his little girls! He knew once he opened the door his Princess Desiray would come running screaming daddy and grab a hold of his leg. He loved his girls so much he would do anything for them. Shawn felt bad that he wasn't home enough but he couldn't help it. He loves his job. Shawn smiled at the thought of seeing his baby girl playing with her toys sitting in her walker while her big sister sat on the floor by her playing with her toys. He couldn't help but have a feeling something bad was going to happen, but he just pushed it aside. As he pulled into the drive way he noticed Alex's car had all her things along with the girls'. He jumped out of the car with his bag and walked through the door.

Alex walked to the door and came face to face with Shawn who had a confused look on his face. She tried to avoid running into him, looks like that didn't work.

" Daddy!!" they both looked down to see Desiray smiling looking up at her dad while holding onto his leg.

"Hey Princess!" Shawn said dropping his bag and picking up the little girl

Alex walked passed Shawn and headed to her car. Shawn followed Alex and knew that bad feeling had to do with this. Alex opened the car door and started to put Cameron in her car seat.

"Alex, babe what are you doing?" Shawn asked nervous of the answer

"Shawn I cant do this any more. I'm leaving and I'm taking the girls." Alex answered Shawn knowing that those words were slowly breaking his heart along with hers

"Please don't do this. Alex please. You girls are my world and you know that. You cant just separate me from my girls." Shawn was slowly breaking down knowing that this was possibly the last time he would ever see his girls.

"Shawn just let me go. Let us go. Your hardly home. Its not going to make a difference if the girls see you or not. They hardly do anyway." Alex said sounding so bitter

Alex turned to get Desiray from Shawn when the little girl started screaming as she tried pulling her away from her dad

"NO. I want daddy." The little 1 year old yelled "Daddy. Daddy. Don't let her take me Daddy"

Those words hurt Alex to hear. Those words hit Shawn straight in the face.

"Don't take her. Leave her with me" Shawn said holding onto his daughter for dear life

"You wont be able to take care of her Shawn. Just give me my daughter and let us go." Alex said trying to get her daughter again

"NO" Desiray screamed again causing her baby sister to start crying

"Please Alex just let me keep her. I'll do everything and anything for her. Just please don't take her." Shawn said as a couple of tears fell

Alex thought about what Shawn was asking for. She thought about how her oldest daughter didn't want to leave her dad. It broke her heart just thinking about doing what she was about to do but she knew it was either that or have her daughter hate her for the rest of her life.

"Fine. Desiray can stay with you but I am taking Cameron." Alex said stepping back from her daughter and now ex fiancé.

Shawn looked at Alex and nodded his thanks. He sat Desiray down and leaned in the car and kissed Cameron on the head and pulled of his necklace and put it on her. As he stepped back Alex had finished saying her goodbyes to Desiray.

"Make sure Cameron always has that necklace please. Tell her I love her every day. I love you Alex." Shawn said as a couple more tears fell

"I love you too Shawn." Alex said as she got in the car and drove off with tears in her eyes knowing that she would always regret making this decision.

Shawn held Desiray as he watched the love of his life drive away with his baby girl. It killed him to know that he would never be there for her. He hugged his princess tighter and kissed her cheek then walked back into the house.

That day Shawn knew the Desiray and Cameron meant more to him then his job. Now he was going to take care of a 1 year old while traveling. That day was going to eat at him for the rest of his life or until he gets to see his baby girl Cameron again.

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