Chapter 27: Taking It Hard

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--Desiray's POV--

I didn't pay much attention after hearing Cam say I love you back when they were taking me out on the stretcher. I was still clutching Hunter's hand. I didn't want to let go. I wouldn't.

I vaguely remember the ride to the hospital. All I kept thinking was the baby. That was my only thought. And Im not going to lie, I am scared as hell right now. The doctor is doing god knows what. I can't keep my mind straight right now. They had managed to stop the bleeding but wouldn't tell us anything. And it was starting to piss me off

"Mr. and Mrs. Levesque." The doctor walked into the room

Hunter and I both looked up at the doctor.

He looked at us and then sighed "Im sorry to say this but the baby didnt make it."

With those words tears fell. I looked away from the doctor. I turned on my side and curled up in a ball. Hunter looked away from both me and the doctor and I could see the tears in his eyes. I reached my hand over and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me and I saw the pain and guilt in his eyes. And that killed me. I didn't want him to feel guilty. That's the last thing I want.

The doctor checked some things without saying a word. I held Hunter's hand like my life depended on it. And in a way I felt it did. Hunter squeezed my hand back and didnt let go. The tears kept falling silently. Hunter let go of my hand and reached over to wipe the tears away and place a kiss to my forehead. He took my hand in his again and played with my fingers.

The doctor wrote something down on his chart then looked at us "Is there anything I can get you?" He asked kindly.

Hunter looked at me and I looked at the him then the doctor "I want my dad and sister." I said

He looked at me "Is there anything else?" He asked

I sniffed and shook my head "I just want my dad and sister. Please just get them." I whispered

He nodded and then walked out. I held Hunter's hand tighter and pulled it closer to my chest. I was in a way hugging it to me. He didn't seem to mind. And for that I was grateful. I looked into his eyes and saw the tears.

The door opened and I looked over a little bit and saw my dad and sister. I looked back at Hunter. I heard footsteps walking towards my bed. Hunter slowly released my hand and stood up. He moved away from the bed and went towards the door. Cam replaced him. She laid on the bed with me and held me.

She held me close "I'm here." She whispered holding me

The tears came harder than before. Shouldn't it be the oldest sister consoling the younger sister? Right now I could care less. All that matter was that I had my sister, dad, husband, and everyone who was family here for me. Cam laid with me while dad and Hunter talked. Thoughts kept running through my mind. I could have prevented this. I could have done a better job at protecting both my kids. I should've stayed at the hotel. There was so many possibilities. I closed my eyes and thought more.

I felt Cam get up from the bed and heard her footsteps walk towards the door.

I heard her sniff "I guess we should tell them the news." She said

I heard the door open then close slightly. I sniffed while trying to hear them. I faintly heard Hunter clear his throat a couple times before he told them about the baby.

Cam walked back into the room. She just stood there. Her footsteps stopped right when she entered. I heard her shuffle around and then walk back out. I faintly heard her on the phone but I couldn't focus on that.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I opened my eyes and rolled on my back. I stared up at the ceiling, ok well more like I was looking towards heaven.

"Why? Why did this have to happen?" I sniffed and a couple more tears fell "Why did you have to take my baby? Was it something I did?" I whispered "God why me?" and more tears fell

--Hunter's POV-- (sorry, thought you guys would like a little insight on what's going through his head)

I looked around at everyone. They all had the same expression. Shocked and sad. I was right there with them. I was shocked because of everything that's happened tonight. I was sad because we lost our baby. I felt guilty. I should have been with her. I could of stopped it. I feel horrible. I'm supposed to protect her. Supposed to be there for her. Support her. Love her. Be her shoulder to cry on. Be her best friend. Be the hero. The prince charming. The knight in shinning armor. And I feel like I've already screwed it all up.

I'm not going to lie. I have had a crush on her for years. As she got older and started dating, that was hard. I didn't want to see her with anyone else. Hell when she dated Adam I wanted nothing more then for them to break up. When they did I was some what relieved but I felt bad for her. She took it hard, which lead to the Hell In A Cell match. I was against that match. Hell I hated every punch, kick, pedigree, chokeslam, every hit with the sledge hammer.

Somewhere along the lines I fell in love with her. It could have been when things between me and Steph started to go down hill. Des was always there for me. Shawn knew how I felt but never said anything. He always trusted me to look after her. To protect her. And look where that got us. My wife is laying in a hospital bed after being attacked and loosing our baby. OUR BABY.

I walked towards the door and stopped when I heard her voice. I listened to what she was saying.

"Why? Why did this have to happen?" She sniffed "Why did you have to take my baby? Was it something I did?" she whispered "God why me?" and more tears fell

I saw the tears staining her cheeks. Seeing and hearing that broke my heart. I walked into the room and closed the door softly behind me. She looked at me as I walked up to the bed. I stopped at the edge and took off my shoes and laid with her. I pulled her close and she laid her head on my chest.

"We'll get through this. No matter what we'll get through this." I said kissing her head.

I looked down and noticed she had fallen asleep. The tears still fell but were slowly stopping

"I promise." I whispered

--Cameron's POV--

I had walked out of the room not 5 minutes after walking in. I called mom and told her what happened. She couldn't believe she missed so much. She tried to get me to tell her things but I couldn't bring myself too. I mean if she wanted to know how her oldest daughter was she could have called.

I hung up the phone and leaned against Jeff. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. He rested his head on my shoulder and sighed.

"I hope they can make it through this." He whispered in my ear

"Me too." I said

My attention went to Hunter. He had been looking around the room. Just watching everyone's reaction. Suddenly he sighed and turned back to the room and stopped at the door. It looked like he was listening to something. I saw new tears spring to his eyes. Then he disappeared behind the door.

All I knew at the moment was: A) My sister and Hunter were now in a position that was going to test their relationship. B) Dad and I were going to have to be there for Des now more than ever. and C) Everyone was going to be taking this hard.

I just hoped everything would be alright in the end. And that this was some nightmare we were all wanting to wake up from.

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