Chapter 35: Finally... You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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::Pic is Baby Levesque::

Sitting at home watching TV with Jesse was nice. I actually missed this normality of life. I mean let's face it my life has been crazy and eventful. Being the daughter of Shawn Michaels is one wild ride but I love every moment of it. Now add the fact that I am married to Paul Levesque other-wise known as Hunter Hearst Helmsley and have a 7 year old with a baby on the way. I would say my life is far from normal!

"Mommy when is daddy coming home?" Jesse asked

I looked at him and smiled "He'll be home tonight sweetie. Remember Raw is going to be out here next week so they are coming in early." I said

He smiled and went back to watching TV.

In all honesty Hunter was actually at WWE Headquarters talking to Vince and the board about his time off being extended. At first the board wasn't too keen with it. Considering Hunter will be out for 8 months due to his tore quad, they don't want to go any longer without him than needed. Vince on the other hand helped Hunter get the board to agree to an extended 'vacation' as they call it.

Now it's been 3 months since Hunter's injury. And my due date is fast approaching. We have everything set up and ready for our baby girl!! We've been talking about names and haven't really picked one yet, but I know once I hold my baby girl I'll have her name.

I was making dinner when I heard the front door open. Next thing I know Jesse is screaming 'daddy' and I hear Hunter laughing. I go back to what I was doing and not 3 minutes later arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss is placed on my cheek.

"Hey babe!" Hunter said

I smiled "Hey!" I said

"What are you doing?" He asked while rubbing my stomach and pausing on some spots where the baby would kick

I chuckled "What's it look like I'm doing?" I asked smartly

He set his chin on my shoulder "Well it looks like you are making dinner all by your lonesome." He said

I leaned back a little "Well I'm not all lonesome now that you're here. How was the meeting?" I asked

He sighed "Boring but I do get time off to help out with the baby for a while. And on the way home I stopped by to see my therapist and everything is coming along smoothly. Apparently I'm doing better this time than I did last time. So he said I could actually be in the ring in a couple months." He said and I could tell he was smiling

"That's great! I'm sure all the fans will be excited to see The Game return." I said

He slightly tightened his hold on me "And would my wife be excited with my return?" He asked

"Of course I would. I'll just miss having you home with me and Jesse." I said

He nuzzled his face into my neck and laid soft kisses making me shiver "I'll always come running when you need me." He said

I knew if he continued his assault on my neck I would lose my concentration, which was already slowly slipping, and burn the food. I found myself slowly letting myself slip away into the feelings Hunter was giving me in that moment.

I pushed him away "No. Not gonna happen. Go watch TV with Jesse." I said

He looked at me confused and shocked "What?" He asked

I looked at him "Go watch TV with Jesse." I said pointing to the kitchen door

He shook his head "You never push me away. Am I in trouble?" He asked

I chuckled "No you are not in trouble. I don't want to lose my concentration and burn dinner. So go, shoo.." I said waving him out of the kitchen

He chuckled and shook his head heading towards the door with a slight limp "Yes ma'am." He said giving a slight salute

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