Chapter 29: Making a Decision

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 --Desiray's POV--

Those words ran through my head. I had to choose between Adam and Hunter.

Adam the guy who is my first love. The guy who has been my friend for a couple years. The one who cheated on me. The one I'll always love.

Hunter the guy who is my husband. The guy I've known my entire life. The guy who will do anything to make me happy. The one who I love.

Wait hold up. Did I just say I love Hunter? I looked at Adam then Hunter.

"Hunter you asked me to choose between you and Adam. I've made my choice." I said

They both looked at me awaiting my answer. Adam with a look of smugness like he knew I was going to choose him. Hunter with a look of hope and sadness like he knew I wasn't going to choose him but still had hope I would.

The answer was so easy. It's been right in front of me for so long. How did I not see it? I knew my decision. And I was happy with the choice I made. I looked at both of the men standing in front of me and smiled. I smiled knowing the life I would have with the one I chose.

"Adam earlier when we talked I told you everything I felt. How I felt from the beginning of everything. I even admitted that when I married Hunter I wished it was you." when I said that I saw the hurt flash in Hunter's eyes "But I also told you everything changed for me from that moment on. I became a wife and a mom. And that was a great feeling. But the best feeling was when I came to terms with being pregnant with Hunter's baby. I was going to have my own little family. And that is something I've been wanting. Not going to lie you screwed with my emotions when you kissed me. But that doesn't change the fact that my decision has always been made. From the beginning when I married Hunter. I knew my answer I just didn't know it." I said

I took a deep breathe and continued "Adam you'll always have a special place in my heart. You were my first love. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll always love you. That's a given. Hunter you were my first crush and my first kiss. You're my husband." I smiled at him "And you've managed to capture my heart! You've always had it. I love you Hunter. That's why I choose you!" I said

Hunter smiled at me and Adam just stormed out slamming the door shut. I was picked up and spun around.

"I love you too!" He said then kissed me

I wrapped my legs around his waist while I kissed back. He carried me to the bedroom ;)

--Cameron's POV--

Oh my god. I can't believe what I just heard. Adam came storming out and I punched him and glared.

 "That's for trying to ruin my sister and Hunter's life." I said

As he walked off and disappeared around the corner Jeff dad and Jesse appeared.

"Can I see mommy and daddy now?" Jesse asked for the millionth time

My eyes widened "NO. I mean lets give them some time alone. We can go watch a movie." I said pushing everyone away from the door

 "What's going on Cam?" Jeff asked

"I cant believe what Steph said was true. Well I knew how they both felt. Hell Des couldn't even figure out she felt. But she chose Hunter! She kicked Adam out of her life! We just got to keep Jesse away from their room for the rest of the night." I said smiling

"Why's that?" Dad asked I looked at him

"Let's just use the term baby making." I said shuddering

 I so dont want to think about my sister and Hunter doing that.

I always knew she'd make the right decision. I'm just glad that, that right decision has always been Hunter.

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