Chapter 26: What's Wrong

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--Cameron's POV--

I was being attacked by 2 bitches. Amy and Trish. Every punch I threw connected, but I was met with 4. Trying to fight back was a little tough. I swung at Amy but she dodged it. Next thing I know Trish is pinning my arms behind me and holding me in place while Amy punched and kicked me. I didn't scream out in pain. Instead I took each hit and that fueled my anger. Something caught my eye in the corner. I looked and saw Jesse. He was cowering in fear. Tears streamed down his face. All that ran through my mind was making sure Jesse was safe and out of harms way. Besides that thought, my sister was on my mind.

As Amy punched me in the stomach, I heard a scream. A pain filled scream. That scream wasn't from me. I knew it was my sister. And that scream fueled me. I rammed Trish into the wall behind us and she slid down it. I brought my arms up to block Amy's attack. She swung but I grabbed her hand and twisted. I punched her in the face and kicked her. Trish jumped on my back and I slammed her into the wall again. I heard my sister yell to Jesse. I knew Amy and Trish heard it too.

"JESSE GET DADDY." Des yelled to Jesse.

I saw Jesse take of and then Amy go after him. Oh Hell No. I tackled her to the ground. I saw Trish start to go after him but I managed to get up in enough time and tackle her too.

"Run to the ring Jesse. Dont look back." I yelled after him

I had the girls down. I started to make my way to my sister. I reached the top of the stairs but was yanked back by my hair. I slammed into the concrete floor. My back and head hit the ground with force. Black spots began to show up. I blinked my eyes and willed myself to stay awake. Trish and Amy started to kick me. I groaned but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I started to fight back.

I slowly got up and grabbed Amy and hit a DDT. I rolled over and went at Trish. She swung at me but I ducked under and right when she turned around I hit her with the RKO. Remind me to thank Randy later for teaching me that move.

I laid there for a second before rolling over and crawling towards the stairs. I made it to the stairs and looked down. What I saw had my eyes widen and my heart drop. Des was leaning against the wall, head leant back with her eyes closed and tears falling. I saw a little bit of blood on her hand.

Before I could say anything I was pulled back by my feet. I flipped over throwing the person dragging me. The air was knocked out of me when Amy jumped on top of me and started swinging. I growled and flipped us over and unleashed my fury.

"You stupid bitch. I warned you what was going to happen. You shouldn't of messed with me and my sister." I said with each punch

I was pulled off by Trish. Then we froze. We heard a scream that would chill anyone to the bone. A scream filled with pain, fear, want, and desperation.

"HUNTER." Des yelled

They took a couple ore swings before running away. I saw Matt run by chasing them. Then Jeff, Randy, John, Jason, Vince, Steph, and dad all ran up. I pulled myself into a sitting position against the wall. Jeff was right there by me.

Matt came running up "I lost them in the parking lot." He said taking a deep breath

"Are you hurt?" Jeff asked but I ignored him

I looked towards the stairs and yelled "Desiray"

I heard a faint groan "Cameron" she yelled back "The baby" She yelled again

That one word had us all freeze. Dad took off down the stairs. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Jeff gently pulled me down and I groaned in pain

"Don't move." He said

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