Chapter 43: Hunter's Leaving

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Tonight is Summerslam!! I am excited because not only does Hunter have a match but I do too!! It's my first PPV back in the ring and it's against Eve and Beth Phoenix. This is going to be a tough match with Beth alone but adding Eve this match is going to be like seeing Cena, Rock and Punk in the ring.

"So where is your dad?" Sam asked sitting on the couch

I looked at her, Steph, Alex, and Keisha.

"At the hotel. Vince pulled some strings so he could watch Summerslam." I said going back to pulling out my ring gear

"Are you excited about tonight?" They asked

I chuckled "Yes I am!"

"Well I'm going to go see John." Keisha said getting up "See you kids later." She said kissing the kids on their heads and walking out

"I'm going to go see Chris." Alex said getting up and hugging the kids then walked out

I looked at the door as Hunter came in and kissed me

"What was that for?" I asked with my hand on his chest

He smiled "Can't I kiss my wife just for the hell of it?"

I smiled "Well you can but with a kiss like that I'm going to be expecting more later on."

He smirked and kissed me again "You can count on it." He whispered in my ear

"Oh my god I'm out. See you later Jesse, Emma, Aurora and MC." Steph said walking out of the room

I chuckled "Alright I got to get ready." I said grabbing my ring gear and walking into the bathroom

"Looking good babe!" Hunter said slapping my butt as I walked passed him

I turned and tried to glare at him but I couldn't and started laughing

"I can say the same about you." I said winking

"Mommy stop flirting with daddy." Jesse said looking up from his DS

I looked at him and fake gasped "I'm not flirting with your dad. I'm simply being honest."

Emma looked at me and Hunter "Are we going to get a new baby brother or sister?"

My eyes widened and I looked at Hunter then back at her.

"Uh, I don't know sweetheart." Hunter said looking at her

"I want a baby brother or sister." Aurora said

Hunter sat down on the couch and pulled Aurora onto his lap "I know you and your brother and sisters want a baby brother or sister but right now I don't think it will happen."

"Why?" She asked

I sat on the couch and MC climbed onto my lap and faced Hunter. Jesse and Emma were facing Hunter and listening to him.

Hunter took a deep breath and looked at me then back at her "Well because your mom and me have our hands full with you guys. Maybe once you get a little older you'll get a brother or sister."

Aurora looked at me "Mommy?"

"Yes sweetie?" I asked

"Promise we'll get a baby brother or sister." She said

I smiled and nodded my head "I promise."

"Desiray you're on." A stage hand said

I looked up at him "Alright." I sat MC on the couch next to me "Well I'll see you guys after my match." I said kissing the kids' heads

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