Chapter 8: Feelings

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Desiray's POV

I was waiting for Adam and Jason to finish their match. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I am like freaking out. What if he doesn't listen? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if, What if, What if. That's all that's going through my mind. I have to stop thinking like that. Think positive thoughts Des. Think positive. I took a deep breathe and headed to the gorilla to wait for them. I waited maybe a minute before they came back. I smiled at them.

"Good job guys!" I said smiling

They smiled back "Thanks!"

Ok maybe this is going to be easy. "Adam can I talk to you?" I asked and then the smile kinda fell from his face. Ok looks like its not going to be easy like I hoped.

"I uh I don't think that's a good idea." he said rubbing the back of his neck

I narrowed my eyes "Jason can you give us a minute" I more or less demanded than asked. He just walked away not wanting to get in the middle. Adam sighed

"Des there's nothing to talk about."

"Bull shit Adam. You are going to listen to what I have to say whether you want to or not." I am seriously not in the mood for this

"I don't want to talk about what happened between you and Jason. Its your sex life and I don't want to hear it." he said walking away.

I followed him down the hall. "Dammit Adam we were drunk. There is nothing going on between us."

"You sure cause it sure looks like it." he said

God why is he so hard headed "Would you just stop and listen." I asked frustrated

"No." he said looking back at me

"AHHH. Why bother trying to get through to you. Its just going to be a waste of time apparently. Your so fucking stubborn. You asked the damn question during our game. You wanted to know. I told you the truth even though I didn't want to cause I knew this would happen. Then you punch Jason in the face. That was just fucking stupid. There is nothing between me and him. NOTHING. God Adam would you just stop walking." I said slowing down my walking pace. I was done if he didn't want to listen then this was it. He slowed down just a bit. Here goes nothing "I LOVE YOU" I screamed and everyone around us stopped what they were doing. I noticed Cam, Jeff, Matt, Amy, Jason, Dad, Hunter, Stephanie, John, and Randy a little ways away from where I was. Adam stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly turned to face me.

I sighed "Im done trying to get you to listen to what happened. If you don't want to listen then fine. Its up to you if want to be--" I was cut of by his lips.

It was a sweet, gentle kiss. He slowly pulled away and smiled at me

"I love you too!" he said then kissed me again.

We heard everyone clapping and whistling. We pulled away chuckling at them.

"So Desiray Michaels would you be my girl?" he asked

I smiled "I would love to be your girl Adam!"

Cameron's POV

AHHH my sister is now dating Adam. I watched the whole thing. In all honesty I was ready to kick his ass since he kept walking and didn't stop to listen to her. I looked over at dad and looked happy but ready to kick his ass when needed. I chuckled and patted his shoulder

"Its ok dad she will be fine. Im sure he knows that if he does something that hurts her he's not only going to have to answer to her. He has to answer to you, Hunter, Vince, me, Matt, Jeff, Amy, Stephanie, John, Randy, Stone Cold, well pretty much everyone."

He nodded his head and chuckled "I guess your right pumpkin. Im just scared and worried something is going to happen. And I know Im either not gonna like it or well Im just not gonna like it."

"I know dad I know." I sighed

I hope Adam didn't hurt her. Cause lord knows what I would do to him. And all I have to say is God have mercy on his soul if I get my hands on him.

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