Chapter 37: Royal Rumble & a Party

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--Third Person POV--

Royal Rumble. The PPV that starts The Road To WrestleMania. The time every superstar and diva put it all on the line for a chance to headline the grandest stage of them all. Tonight 30 wrestlers are going to step foot in the ring and battle it out. The last one standing will headline WrestleMania.

Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Cameron Michaels-Hardy, and Desiray Michaels-Helmsley were all sitting there waiting for the big match.

Shawn was apprehensive about having to fight his daughters but he knew his girls were tough. After all they were The Heart Break Kids.

Hunter didn't want to fight his wife. They'd discussed it the night before and Desiray told him it's part of the job and that if it came down to the two of them then they'd fight.

Jeff and Cameron had talked the night before too. They came to the same agreement that Desiray and Hunter did.

The other guys weren't too worried about getting in the ring with The Heart Break Kids. They knew all too well that the girls could handle themselves and they've proved it time and time again.

Royal Rumble was kicked off with a Diva match and a match for the Tag Team Titles. Now it was time for the big event. Starting the match off was newbie Nick from the Spirit Squad.

Number 15 was Shawn Michaels. Number 16 was Triple H. Number 18 was John Cena. Number 20 was Randy Orton. Number 21 was Kane. Number 24 was Undertaker. Number 26 was Jeff Hardy. Number 28 was Cameron Michaels-Hardy. Number 30 was Desiray Michaels-Helmsley.

When Shawn's theme song hit the crowd was cheering for The Heart Break Kid.

"It's The Heart Break Kid Cole!" Jerry Lawler said smiling

"The Showstopper is entrant number 15!" Michael Cole said

Triple H's theme song hit 90 seconds later the crowd was going crazy upon the arrival of The Game.

"Who would've thought that The Game would be entrant number 16 Jerry." Michael said

Jerry Lawler laughed smiling "Who would've thought that Shawn Michaels' son-in-law would come right after him! Wonder when we'll see his other son-in-law and his daughters! I'm looking forward to seeing what Cameron and Desiray are wearing tonight!" He said in typical Jerry Lawler form

When Jeff Hardy came out at number 26 the crowd was at the edge of their seats in anticipation.

"There's the other son-in-law of Shawn Michaels! This match is amazing so far!" Michael Cole said

When Cameron's theme song blasted through the arena at number 28 the crowd was on their feet. Hunter, Shawn, Jeff, Batista, Kane, Edge, Christian, Jericho, and Taker were left in the ring.

When the last theme hit the crowd was once again on their feet! Desiray Michaels-Helmsley made her way to the ring.

Half way during the match the crowd saw Cameron and Desiray get chokeslammed, tombstoned, sweet chin musiced, pedigreed, power bombed, speared, killswitched, code breakered, and swantoned. Everyone thought it was the end of them when Batista started lifting Desiray over the ropes and Edge and Christian started lifting Cameron over the ropes.

Out of nowhere Cameron had hooked her legs on the ropes and pulled Edge and Christian over the ropes eliminating both of them. The crowd was going nuts. Taker eliminated Kane, while Desiray had somehow managed to go all spider monkey and shimmy between the top and middle rope and then using her legs flip Batista out of the ring eliminating him.

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