Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

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Cameron's POV

Its been a week since me, dad, and Hunter found Desiray and Jason together. I still laugh about it. Hell I even tease her about it. Right now me and Des are in our hotel room with Amy talking about god knows what.

"So Cam I never got to ask you who you were with that night." Des said looking at me with the look that says you-better-tell-me-or-else

"What do you mean that night?" Amy asked eyeing us both

I smirked remembering Desiray and Jason's reaction

"Me, dad and Hunter walked in on Des and Jason." I chuckled

Des groaned "No one else is supposed to know."

"Wait you and Jason? What happened? Details" Amy said

"We were drunk. All though Im starting to remember everything that happened between us. Anyway we woke up in my room and as I was reaching for my bra to get dressed in walked dad, Cam and Hunter." Des gave her the short details "Anyway Cam who were you with?"

They both looked at me and I knew there was no way out of this one. Truth be told I was with Jeff! Same situation as Des and Jason but dad and Hunter didn't walk in. We were both shocked and agreed to not tell anyone about it. I remember EVERYTHING from that night. It all came back to me at dinner like three days ago.

"CAMERON" Amy and Des yelled

"What?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts

They gave me that pointed look "Ugh fine I was with Jeff!"

"OMG!!! AHHH Details" they both said

I went on to tell them what I remembered from that night. But I didn't tell them the juicy details ;)

"How about we invite the guys over and play some games or something" Amy said

"Ok" me and Des said

We called the guys and set everything up while we waited for them to arrive.

Desiray's POV

We were all sitting in a circle playing Truth or Dare. Cameron was on my right, Jeff was on the other side of her. On my left was Jason, Cam and Amy forced him to sit by me. Then Amy and Matt, and in between Matt and Jeff was Adam. We were laughing and having a great time. But Adam kept looking at me and Jason. I noticed that Jeff kept looking at Cam and he seemed nervous. I know he likes her. I bet he is going to ask her out.

"So Jeff truth or dare?" I asked. Please pick dare

"Umm dare." he said. Yes!

"I dare you to ask Cam what you have been dying to ask her" I said

He looked at me wide eyed but then nodded his head. He turned to Cam who looked confused as hell.

"Cam will you be my girlfriend?" he asked

"YES!!!" she practically screamed and jumped on him.

We all laughed and continued the game. Everyone was split between choosing truth and dare. It was now Adam's turn to ask someone.

"Des truth or dare?" he asked. Everyone looked at me

"Hmmm. Truth" I said confidently

"Ok. Ummm ok so I heard Cam and Amy talking about something that happened between you and Jason. What happened?" he said and I froze. I saw Jason tense beside me. "I want the truth"

Ok all my confidence is gone. I am now completely nervous and scared. How am I supposed to tell the one guy that I fell in love with that I slept with his best friend. I mean we aren't dating or anything but still.

Amy and Cam both looked at me with wide eyes. Matt and Jeff looked confused at our actions.

"Ummm. I... We... umm... we... sl--slept together." I stuttered. Matt and Jeff looked shocked but just shrugged. Jason was I guess waiting for Adam's reaction. Amy and Cam were ready to jump him if he tried to do something. Do what? I have no idea but that's my girls for you. Me on the other hand. I stared at him. I watched as his calm face turned angry then hurt but then pissed.

Next thing I know Adam is getting up and heading out of the room. Jason got up and went after him. I just sat there. Amy and Cam wrapped their arms around me. I heard yelling in the hall and Matt and Jeff went out there.

"Shhh its ok. We are here for you Des. Don't waste your tears on him." the girls said. I didn't realize I was crying. I felt numb. It was weird. Just by his reaction I felt numb.

It was then that I realized that I didn't just fall in love with him. I was completely head over heals in love with Adam Copeland. And I might have just ruined my chance with him.

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