Chapter 25: Accident

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--Desiray's POV--

2 weeks ago Hunter became WWE Champion! And Vince let me and Jesse travel with them for the last 2 weeks. We have like a week left till Vince is sending us home. Everything has been pretty nice. Morning sickness stopped. But I do have it some days. Cam still says she is going to win the bet but I know she wont. Dont ask me how I know, I just do. Jeff doesnt know who's side to take for the bet. So every time we drag him in it his response is 'Im on both sides. Dont kill me. But who ever wins Im really on your side.' then he walks away.

John and his girlfriend broke up. But he seems perfectly fine. He says it doesn't bother him and I can tell it doesnt. Which is weird. Randy and Sam are got married last week!! Jason and his wife hit the rough patch in their relationship but they are working through it. Adam is actually being a pretty good friend right now. We talked and he told me he knows he screwed up and he was sorry for everything he put me through. I told him it was going to take sometime for me to forgive him completely and he said he understood. Amy on the other hand has been trying to ruin everything. She's already succeeded in getting Adam now she's trying to get Hunter. I laughed when I saw her flirting with him, because he just walked around her with a freaked out look on his face.

Trish Stratus has now been trying to get rid of me in WWE. I dont know what I did to her or why she hates me. Its all one big mystery. I know Amy is mad over the fact that Adam is still in love with me and not in love with her. Trish well I really dont know what her problem is. We used to be such good friends.

Anyway tonight I know Hunter has a match. Cam and Jeff have a tag match. So me and Jesse are going to stay back here during the show. I have a feeling something is going to happen. Like something horrible. Something that might change my life forever. I dont know what it is. I woke up with the feeling. I cant seem to shake it either.

"Desiray is it alright if Jesse hangs with us after Cam's match?" I looked up at John Randy and Jeff

"I dont see why not." I said and they high fived "Just dont do anything stupid or illegal. I would like my son to have a clean record until he's at least 21." I said

"Why 21?" Cam asked from her spot on the couch next to me

"Because." I said

"Elaborate please." She said

"You see your sister here--" Jeff started but was cut off by Hunter

"You sister has a record of her own that started when she was 20." Hunter said pulling out his ring gear

Cam gasped "And why didnt I know this?" She asked

I shrugged "Never came up." I said

"So tell me about this record." She said

I looked at her and chuckled "Well there was this one time, a guy tried to jump me and--" I was cut off by Hunter. What is up with him and interrupting people?

"She beat the hell out of the guy. Got arrested for assault and for being under the influence. Your dad was pissed. I was the one that got the phone call and had to go get her. Even had to hid her in my room till the next day. I got yelled at by your dad too." Hunter said chuckling at the memory

Jeff laughed "Oh this other time we were at my place with Matt and Shannon. She thought it would be a bright idea to--" I cut him off this time

"Yeah we are not telling that story Jeff. That has nothing to do with my record." I said giving him a look

His eyes widened once he realized what he started to say

"What happened?" Cam asked

"Nothing." Me and Jeff said at the same time

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