Chapter 22: Might've Found a Way Out

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--Cameron's POV--

I was sitting on my hotel bed while Jeff was getting ready in the bathroom. Today we are meeting with Vince, Stephanie and a lawyer. They have been working on finding a way to end Des and Hunter's marriage. I figured they would've stopped looking for a way out when Des announced she was pregnant.

"You ok?" Jeff asked

I looked up and saw him standing there shirtless and towel drying his hair.

"I dont know." I said

"What's wrong?" He asked

I sighed "This meeting we are going to. You think Vince would've stopped looking for a way to end Des and Hunter's marriage the moment Des said she was pregnant. I just dont get it. What if she's happy with him? What if she wants to stay with him? I know she's still in love with Adam, but what if she's in love with Hunter too? They have Jesse and having a baby together. This is their life we are messing with and I dont like it."

Jeff sighed and sat next to me "Neither do I. I think it should be up to Hunter and Des if they want to stay married or not. They have a life together whether Vince and Stephanie like it or not. But you know what?" He asked

"What?" I asked looking at him

He smiled "I have a feeling your sister is going to surprise us all. I know she'll choose what's best not only for the kids but for her. Vince should know how your sister is. Dont worry about it babe." He said

I chuckled "Alright. I'll try not to." I said

We got ready and headed to the meeting. I was still a little worried that we were interfering in her life. I just want my sister to be happy. So if she is happy with Hunter than I'm all for it. But there is a part of me that knows she still wants Adam. Hell Adam talked to Hunter and asked him if he could try and fix things with Des and be friends. Hunter was a little nervous because he doesnt want to see Des hurt, but he agreed. Now Des and Adam are kinda friends.

We were all sitting around a table in a conference room at WWE Headquarters. Funny thing is, we are in Hunter's home state. Hunter, Des, and Jesse stayed at their house. They should be here any minute.

The door opened and we all turned to look. Hunter and Des walked in.

"Sorry we are late. We had to stop a couple times. Stupid pregnancy." Des chuckled as she sat next to me

"Its fine. Lets get started shall we." Vince said

I hugged Des "I dont think you'll like this meeting." I whispered in her ear

She looked at me and I could tell she was nervous. I dont know about her or anyone else in the room but I totally zoned out. Vince was talking about something. I just wanted to see Des or Hunter or both to tell him off. I groaned and set my head on my hand. Next thing I know my hand is being jerked out from under my head and placed on Des's stomach

I looked at her "What the hell?"

"The baby is kicking. Thought you'd like to feel your niece or nephew kick." She said smiling at me

I felt a small little tap on my hand and my eyes widened and I looked at her. A smile spread across my face and I squealed.

"Would you like to share why you squealed?" The jerk looking lawyer asked

I looked at him still smiling "I felt my niece or nephew kick!"

Hunter, Jeff, Des, Vince and Steph chuckled and the lawyer glared at me

"That's all?" he asked

I glared at him "Yes thats all you asshole. God this is a boring meeting. You are boring me to death. Can we just get to the point?" I said sending death glares at him

--Desiray's POV--

I was silently laughing at Cam's remark to the lawyer.

He sighed "Fine. Getting to the point. Mr. Levesque Mrs. Hickenbottom I---" I interrupted him

"It's Mr. and Mrs. Levesque." I said and he just nodded

"I believe I found a way to end your marriage. Now the thing that would cause a problem is Jesse. Mr. Levesque either you or Mrs. Hickenbottom would have full custody of the kid. That's--" I interrupted him again

I glared "It's Mr. and Mrs. Levesque. Your supposed to be a damn lawyer and you cant read or understand that fact that we are married and share the same last name. And he's not some kid. He's our kid. Can't--" Hunter interrupted me

"Babe calm down." He said rubbing my shoulders. He then looked at the lawyer "If you call my WIFE Mrs Hickenbottom again you're gonna have a problem. We are married. Its a legal marriage which means she has my last name. Jesse is our son. He is not a problem. And if you haven't realized it yet, my wife is pregnant with our child."

The lawyer swallowed hard and nodded. Then he continued.

"Like I was saying Mr and Mrs Levesque, I think we found a way to end your marriage. It took some time to find it. But we did. Now all we really need is for you to sign these papers and within a week or two you'll be divorced." He said

I sat there stunned. Vince still wanted to end this marriage. I looked at Cam and Jeff. They looked at me with that look that said 'its your decision'. I looked at Vince and his face held the same expression as Cam and Jeff. When I looked at Steph she looked a little hopeful. My heart sank. I shouldn't be mad her. Im the one who ruined her relationship with Hunter. If it wasn't for one stupid decision I made, I wouldn't be in this mess. I could've been back with Adam. Guilt hit me. Guilt for ending Steph's relationship with Hunter. Guilt for thinking about Adam at a time like this. I looked over at Hunter and he looked shocked too.

I sighed. What am I going to do? I slowly reached for the pen that was placed by the divorce papers in front of us. I stopped. My hand hovering over the pen. Part of me was saying do it. The other part of me was saying dont do it.

I stood up and left the room. I walked down the hall and turned down an empty hallway. I leaned up against the wall and put my head in my hands. I was so conflicted. Tears rolled down my chin.

--Cam's POV--

I watched as she reached for the pen. I held my breathe. Dont do it. Dont do it. I saw the hesitation in her eyes. You could see it on her face. I knew she was having an internal battle. Her hand hovered over the pen. I looked at Hunter and saw shock and hurt. Poor guy didnt want to end it like this. Next thing I know Des stands up and leaves the room. I saw the tears in her eyes. I started to get up to go after her but Hunter jumped to his feet and was out the door.

I sighed. I just hope she makes the decision that makes her happy.

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