Chapter 40: Goodbye

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Last night I stayed with my dad. Actually both Cam and I stayed with dad. Hunter and Jeff both called me and Cam but we didn't answer so they called dad. He told them that we were with him and that we didn't want to be disturbed. Hunter and Jeff both wanted to see how me and Cam were but we never answered them.

Cam had gotten busted open in her match with Adam but she busted him open pretty badly. I laughed when I saw him cause let's face it, he looked pretty bad and to top it off a girl did that to him.

Anyway, I was lying on the bed, more specifically dad's bed.

"Come on Des get up." Cam said nudging me

I groaned and then got up and ran to the bathroom. I groaned as I walked out and laid back on the bed curling up into dad.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me "What's wrong princess?"

"I hate morning sickness." I said 

His arm tightened around me "You're pregnant?"

I sighed "Yup."

"You had a dangerous match last night and you're pregnant." He said

"I know dad, trust me it was a surprise to me too." I said

Cam sighed "Uh, I'm pregnant too."

I chuckled "What is up with us getting pregnant at the same time?"

She chuckled too "I don't know."

Dad sighed "How long have you both known?"

I looked up at him as best as I could "Since after my match." I said

"Uh since right before my match." Cam said causing both dad and I to look at her

I just shook my head and pulled my blanket further up on me and closing my eyes

"Come on Princess we have to go to the arena." Dad said nudging his shoulder causing my head to move

I groaned "I don't wanna."

"Come on Hunter and Jesse want to see you and Hunter is worried about you. You also have to tell your husband aka my best friend that you are pregnant." He said

I sighed "Fine." I said while sitting up and then walking to the door "Don't want to keep them waiting."

Cam and Dad chuckled and followed me out of the room. We got into the rental car and headed to the arena. As we pulled up we saw the fans waiting outside for the wrestlers.

Once we stepped out they screamed.

"Oh my god it's the Heart Break Family!" Some random fan screamed

I chuckled and tightened my hold on dad's arm. Cam was holding his other arm. I felt like a little kid holding onto my daddy's arm. We walked into the arena after signing some autographs and taking pictures!

"Well I have to go talk to Vince." Cam said walking away

I continued to walk with dad to his locker room. Once we walked in I ran to the bathroom once again. I sat there leant up against the wall and waited for this feeling to go away. I heard Hunter come in and talk to dad and ask him about where I was but dad never told him I was in the bathroom. I swear I was in there for the entire show almost.

"Come on Princess, it's time for us to give our news." Dad said leaning against the door frame

I looked up at him "Why didn't you tell Hunter I was in here?" I asked

He walked over to me and held out his hands "Because I know my daughter, and you don't want to tell him when you feel like crap." He said as he helped me up

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