Wicked: Tonight It All Ends.

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       Pretty quick, right? I’ve missed writing this story so much. Plus the exciting fact that the plot of this story has all been sorted out makes me so happy. I’ve been writing nonstop! It’s actually four in the morning here right this very moment but I don’t really care. Yesterday, I quit writing at seven and slept at nine… in the morning! I don’t know what’s happening to! There’s probably something wrong with me since I’m writing Wicked so much but I don’t think you’d pity me about that.

       So this is actually where the plot thickens… I hope you enjoy this chapter… well, so to speak.

       Tell me what you think, okay? Hm… 50 votes to unlock the next chapter. Can we try this again? Hahaha. I feel like a smoocher.

       Enjoy guys. Check out the external link. I’m actually proud of that achievement. :)

       X Princess



       Chapter  Eighteen – Tonight it all ends.

       Choose. The word rang like an earsplitting bell inside my head. This couldn’t be possibly happening to me. How could I choose? Again? I just chose not twenty four hours ago! Darren was too much of a gem to break.

       And then suddenly, it dawned on me. I can’t. I couldn’t break his heart.

       But it was either him or Damon. How could I choose Damon over him? Darren has only been amazing to me. How my heart works, I had no idea. If only I could ask help from Adam. But neither he was out of the choices… He’d be disappointed if he found out I was giving Damon another chance, and that was another thing I didn’t want happening. Yet, they just kept on filing up.  

       How could I have this much power over them? Maybe I should just sail alone at the Pacific and never come back. Letting myself drift away was another good idea.

       Darren was offering me the fresh start I was looking for, but Damon was giving me back what I’ve always wanted ever since the beginning. My mind knew what my choice should be but my heart was tremendously aware of what my whole being craved for.

       Insentiently, I scoured the dance floor to look for Damon, he wasn’t there. They had moved to the bar where they were having a contest of downing flame shots and found that he was already staring at me. He smiled.

       Never have I thought that I’d ever be graced with that kind of smile again. It was only one time when I saw that soft, carefree smile. Back before when we were driving to get our first grocery together, when the topic about me being boyfriend-less have arisen. That was a beautiful night. I didn’t think I’d ever see that smile again.

       And then I suddenly remembered Darren. I looked at him, myself slightly surprised that for one tiny fleeting moment, I had forgotten all about him. How cruel of me. How could I do this to him? And as much as I realized how badly I was treating him, the more I have to let him go. But if I let him go, what would that say about me if I stayed with Damon—a man who left his fiancée just to be with another woman?

       “Louise!” I heard a voice, retrieving my entire being from my reverie. When I turned I saw Eva sauntering towards me, dragging Damon by the wrist. “I have something for you. Come!”

        Eva immediately grabbed and hauled me by the hand, leaving two surprised gentlemen behind us. In no longer than fifteen minutes we were at some place fancy, I figured it was Eva’s suite. It looked exactly like Damon’s, except there were undergarments, empty chips packaging, and soda cans scattered all over the floor. I was actually quite relieved that Eva had managed to grab me out of that awkward situation.

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