The Explanation

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Gumball's POV:

I grabbed Simone's key and head for the door. I went to the funeral home and got the small white coffin. I then placed my little girl in it. Her hair was black and her skin was pale. I cute replica of Marshall. She looked like a little daisy. I then rushed to the cemetery where Marceline was being buried. Marshall and I never made a name for her so I just picked Marceline.

The pastor was there and I was the only person standing by the grave. I couldn't tell anybody. They will all just be sad and I can't comfort anybody at the moment. Marceline was lowered and dirt was placed on her and the pastor left shortly after leaving me alone with the gravestone.

I placed the daisies I bought for her and the stuffed animal lion on her grave as more tears ran down. "I'm so sorry Marceline. I wish I could have saved you. I just wanted you know that I love you and I hope you are living well in the after life. I'll talk to you whenever I can, okay my little daisy? Bye."


Marshall's POV:

I woke up this morning and decided to make Gummy some breakfast. He didn't seem all that happy yesterday and my heart clenched knowing that he won't tell me.

I started making scrambled eggs and bacon with a side of pancakes. After I placed the fluffy eggs, crunchy bacon and juicy sausage on three plates and was about to bring it to Gummy when the front door opened softly. Gummy came in in a tux and his under his eyes were dried tear stains. Where did he go?

He walked by me not even noticing that I was standing there. "Hey Gummy, I made you breakfast. Here you go." There was silence until Gummy turned slightly his eyes shown, they were deeply faded and lost. In the lowest voice possible he said "No thank you. I'm not hungry." And turned around to leave. I couldn't understand what was wrong. He told me a lab experiment failed, then he was gone all morning and came home in a tux and his eyes are shown to be lost and deep in sadness. What happened?

"Hey Gummy before you go, what's wrong? Why were you crying? Where did you go?" Nothing but silence. Then he just left. I set the plates down and sure enough he locked himself into that room.

Mom walked out of her room and I asked her to join me for breakfast. We ate the plates of food and I told her about Gummy. Her expressions had seemed to have fallen even more than before. Like she knew something.

Simone's POV:

Usually when someone goes out in a tux they are usually getting a job or going to a funeral. With Gumball crying I'm going to say the funeral. But why couldn't he tell us? Why did he lie about saying he failed an experiment? Marshall and I could have went and comforted him the best we could.

All I can tell is that he has blocked all contact with Marshall and I. What if I bring someone else and see if that lifts his spirits. I made the phone call and they are on their way.

The doorbell rang and I sprung up knowing exactly who it was. I hurried to the door and opened it to see Phoebus and Finn with their little Blake. I didn't tell them the situation with Gumball before so I guess bows better then never.

"Hey Phoebus, Finn, and awe little Blake come in! Come in!" I tried to sound a little happy but my voice seemed to crack. "Is everything alright?" Finn asked. "Not exactly. See Gumball has been acting... weird. He locks himself in this room that no one knows about, he left early this morning with a tux on, and has been crying nonstop." "What why? Did something happen?" Phoebus said. "I don't know he won't tell us. That's why we thought someone else could give it a shot at getting a response from him." Marshall said. "I don't know what to do but I'll try. Phoebus dear, hold Blake." Finn then went upstairs to that door.

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