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Hey guys, it's LiSuoerFanboy. I'm sorry if this story is crappy, it is my first time writing anything like this. I tried my best and I hope you guys like it!

I do not own any adventure time characters.
Gumball's POV:

Trapped. I'm trapped and cornered in this broken house and have no where to go.

What am I going to do?

I hear distant footsteps coming straight towards my room and I already know who it is, my awful stepdad. He comes in with a funky smell that lingers on him. He's drunk, out of all times why does he have to be drunk tonight. Or second thought when is he ever not drunk? Yesterday's bruises are almost healed.

"What the fuck you looking at you piece of shit!" My dad talked aggressively. Each step he makes pounds in my ears as he gets closer to me. There is no where to run. My heart thumping 100 miles per second knows exactly what's going to happen next.

A fist comes flying towards my face and when I fall on the floor his boots come in contact with my stomach several times. Before I knew it he had my hands in a tight bind above my head as he pushes my limp being against the wall. I can't get free. With his loose hand he starts undressing me. Shivers ran up my spine as he cruelly touched my skin. Article by article of clothing until I was stripped to just my boxers. He undoes his belt and ties my hands together behind my back making me whimper.

My dad picks my fat body up and throws me on the bed like it isn't nothing. I land on my stomach harshly and I feel my boxers being ripped right off of me without hesitation. Without any preparation he shoved his member inside of me. I cried silently. It was painful and I'm pretty sure he ripped me even more than before. He keeps thrusting and threatens "If you don't moan I will beat the crap out of you!" After that I was scared but I started making painful moans "~Nnh mhm~" "Call me daddy!" He said near the edge of my ear. "~Nah... Daddy~." My voice was strained and my throat was feeling clamped up. "Tch" was all my dad said before he smacked me. "Not good enough!"

After a few more thrusts that pounded harshly against me he released and spread the warm substance through my hole, filling me up with his disgusting matter. He pulled out and yanked me by my hair down to the basement.

Once at the bottom, he unties his belt and chains me to the wall, with me facing it. He injects me with a drug and said "This is your punishment for being disobedient!" More fear runs through my body, not knowing what drug it is today.

Then he starts whipping me with said belt that held me against my will. It hurt so badly I had tears rolling down my eyes but tried my hardest not to make a noise.

After about 25 swings back and forth he stops and unties me and goes upstairs. I lay there on the floor, blood was scattered everywhere, tears still rolling down my cheeks. I could hardly move, my eyes started to get heavy but it was hard to fall asleep.

~ ~ ~

I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up on the cold floor I was still tired and in great pain. I had to go to school, it was Monday. Fear of getting punished I got up off the floor and wobbled in pain up the stairs and to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at all the scars and bruises that scattered my pale body. I decided to take a shower to get off all the dried blood off of me. It burned like a sizzling pot full of grease that had been spilt on your skin.

As soon as I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, I went to my room. I decided to wear a pink shirt, grey sweatpants , pink vans, and a grey jacket, my only jacket, to hide my scars and bruises.

I left the house, quietly shutting the door and started walking to school. When I got in front of the school that read Aaa High School, I heard a familiar voice, it was Fionna. "HEY GUMBALL!!!" She yelled out with excitement.

Fionna's POV:

I saw Gumball walking in front of the school he seemed zoned out so I decided to knock him out of his trance.

"HEY GUMBALL!" Gumball turned his head and smiled small when he saw me. He started walking towards me and he says in only a whisper "Hi Fionna."

"How was your weekend?" I asked curiously. He replied in his same small voice with "My weekend was fine I didn't really go anywhere or do anything. How about you?"

"My weekend was so much fun!!! I went shopping, went to the movies, and ran to the park with Cake."

Gumball's POV:

Fionna's eyes lit up as she talked about her weekend. It made me happy that she and Cake were having fun. I put on a fake smile and we started walking to our first class.

We separated to go to our lockers mine way farther away from hers. After getting all the supplies and books I needed, the school bell rang signaling that class was about to start. I shut my locker and turned around to see the hallways empty but for one person and his squad, Marshall Lee and his sidekicks. Marshall pushed me against the lockers which made me wince at the pain in my back. He says "Hey Gumwad I came to collect my lunch money." I just got my paycheck two days ago from my job at a coffee shop a mile or two away from school. I reached in my back pocket for my wallet and gave Marshall a five dollar bill. He slams me against the lockers again and yells "COME ON GUMWAD I KNOW YOU HAVE MORE MONEY THAN THAT!!!" Marshall signals his squad towards me and I can already feel the pain.

They start throwing their fists and kicks in my direction. My knees gave out and I slowly sank to the floor and crawled up in a feta position. They emptied my backpack and took my wallet and everything inside of it. Then threw the rest of my stuff at me. They walked away and I stayed there aching in pain for a few minutes.

I then used the lockers as a way to get back up on my feet and put all my stuff back in my bag. I then walked down the hall to my class where when I opened the door all eyes were piercing into me. I sat down in my seat by the window and dazed out most of the class.

~ ~ ~

The school bell rang signaling the day was over so I picked up my bag and left for work. I had to make the money back from what Marshall took today. I was the one in the household that had to pay bills, keep everything organized, do the shopping and cleaning. So basically a mom.

~ ~ ~

My shift ended rather quickly for it wasn't that busy today. I headed home, dreading each step I took, to make dinner for my dad.

Once I got home I started on dinner right away. Dad came home around 8 ò clock just when I finished dinner with a visitor. He introduced me to this other gentlemen that he brought home with him and that his name was Rob Bellunski.

My dad and Rob made a hand and hand exchange. All Rob said when he first saw me was "You were right he is a cutie!" I had no idea why he would say such a thing.

"Well he is all yours and you can do whatever you want to him but I want him back here in three days, alive." Was all my dad said in response. I was scared. No I was beyond scared more like terrified. What were they talking about?

Rob took me by the wrist and dragged me to his pickup truck. He threw me in the seat and I sat there frozen still trying to see what just happened.

I just got sold to a stranger for 3 days in exchange for drugs. Awesome dad, what a true hero.


Well how was the first chapter? I wanted to leave it off on a cliffhanger so you guys will be willing to keep reading! Muhuahuahua I'm so evil!! Just Kidding I love you all!!! Please like, comment, and share. I'll try to update at least once a week. Thank you for reading and talk to you shortly!

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