Where am I?

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Gumball's POV:

"STOP! GET OUT OF MY WAY THATS MY BOYFRIEND! HE'S DYING!" He was swinging and squirming to get out of the polices hold. "The paramedics are coming, you need to relax." "NO THEY WONT MAKE IT IN TIME!" "Ma'am please take ahold of your son!" "Marshall, I'm upset as much as you but you need to calm down!" I tried moving my lips trying to make my voice come out. To my luck it wasn't working. "WAIT HE'S TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING! Marshall yelled out as the people grew silent and all eyes were on me. Even the devil himself shut up.

I tried to speak the best I could but all that could come out was a whisper "Marshall...I...love...you..." He fell to his knees and the darkness surrounded me once again.

A Few Months Later:

Marshall's POV:

I have been sitting in Gumball's hospital room for a few months now. He is in a coma and the doctors don't think he is going to wake up.

I hardly eat, sleep, bathe, or leave the room. My eyes stay peeled on Gumball hooked up to the IV cords. The beat of his heart slow and steady. His breathing is normal. But his skin looks paler than usual.

I'm afraid.

Under my eyes were dark bags and dried tears that fell when I think about that disgusting place he was in. He was living there for years before I found him on the streets and this is what was happening. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to punch those monsters.

I hold Gumball's hands and talk to him sometimes. The doctor, Dr. Liam, says if he doesn't get any better they will have to pull the plug. I can't have that happen. I don't want that to happen. But is that selfish of me. Gumball probably wanted to leave that dangerous place but I want him alive with me. Tears stung my eyes and cheeks as they slid down.

I still remember his last words he said to me "Marshall I love you" how am I supposed to live like this. I love him so much I don't want him to go. I need him. And the only thing I can do is wait for him to wake up.

Mom, Phoebus, Finn, Fionna, Cake, and Jake brings me things to eat but I refuse to eat most of it. They also bring gifts like flowers and cards for Gumball. It was hard to just sit there and look at him. I just wanted Gumball awake so we can eat together. We can laugh together. We can go shopping together. Have fun together.

I need him or it will be hard for me to live.  I know I sound crazy, like some Romeo and Juliet story, but I wouldn't be able to live without him. He is the only one for me. My soulmate. All I have to do is be patient, he will wake up soon.

A Few Weeks Later:

Nothing has changed. He is still asleep. Nothing is getting better and they are going to pull the plug.

I cry and cry and beg and beg for them to leave him on for a few more weeks but with his condition he will not revive.

"No. No no no! NO! HE WILL WAKE UP I BELIEVE HE WILL KEEP FIGHTING!" My emotions were all over the place from sadness, anger, depressed and lost. "You can have a few more hours with him but after that we can't keep him on any longer."

I stare back at Gumball and grab his hand. Dr. Liam left and so did my mom to give us privacy. "Gumball... Gummy if you can hear me I beg for you to wake up. Please I need you Gummy. Please don't leave me alone I'm not ready. I need you here with me. I need to hear your voice and see those crystal blue eyes. I need to hold you again. Please. Please. Please. I love you. I love you so much. Don't give up. Keep fighting." My face was now flooding with tears that stained the hospital blanket.

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