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Within 45 minutes of Eileen's arrival the 6 of them were in the foyer preparing to grab to port key that would take them to Las Vegas, they could have left sooner but Severus and Lily had to help Lucius and Narcissa with their choice of clothing. They knew little of the muggle world and had to change clothes 3 times before they were in suitable clothing; not to mention trying to explain the muggle money Severus and Lily kept in the Manor as 'just in case' money. Eileen reassured the two mothers that the babes would be fine and to have fun.

They finally grabbed the port key and upon arriving in Las Vegas they took in everything Sin City had to offer. They drank, attempted to gamble, watched shows they didn't quite understand and visited everything they could in the town that never slept. It was an amazing place even to wizards and witches.

"Wow! Muggles do know how to party!" Sirius slurred in amazement while stumbling down the strip.

Lily laughed, she knew more about the place than anyone else being muggle born, "You know a lot of American's come here to get married." She said nudging Remus.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Lils, like we could ever get married the muggle way. Not to mention we've never even really discussed it."

Sirius straightened up, "So, you think you're too good to marry a Black then?"

"Merlin Sirius, that's not what I meant. Muggles don't allow gay people to marry and we have never even talked about it." Remus said in a huff.

Lily still hinting, "You might not could get married the muggle way, but money is power in the muggle world. I'm sure we could rent a chapel for 30 minutes or so." Finishing with a suggestive giggle.

Severus smiled and whispered to Lily, "Love have you decided someone needs to get married here?"

Lily looked up innocently, "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Severus chuckled and shook his head. They continued to walk the strip when the two women squealed and with a pleading look asked if the could go into the infamous Tiffany's. The guys already knew they were defeated and said yes. The women were quickly lost in the crowd so the guys found somewhere to sit and talk. Sirius announced he had to go to the bathroom and disappeared as well. Lucius, Severus and Remus sat and talked about what was left to see before they had to return home.

Sirius who had told a little white lie finally found Lily and Narcissa. "Do you think he would marry me if I asked?" Sirius blurted out at the two women who were dazzled by all the sparkling diamonds in a case.

"What?" Lily asked confused.

"I asked a question.... Do you think he would tell me no?" Sirius asked again.

Lily smiled, "I was only teasing but if you are truly in love like I think you are then if you asked properly, I honestly think he would accept."

"I do love him and I hope you're right because I just bought rings with all the muggle money I won a few hours ago." Sirius said with a laugh.

"Sirius! Do you realize how much money that was? Didn't you win almost five thousand dollars?" Lily asked shocked.

"I really don't know how much it was but if he says yes then it's worth it. I am going to need some help though. I think it only fitting Snape performs the vow and I need you and Narcissa to find a fitting place while Lucius and I keep him busy. I know this is risky but please!" Sirius begged.

Narcissa and Lily smiled, "You have to ask first love." They said in unison.

"Shit, I forgot about planning that part." Sirius admitted.

Walking Down Memory LaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora