Grave Mistakes

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Severus once again found himself at the door of Malfoy Manor. This has been his refuge since the night Lily left no doubt that she would never be with him again. He came here nightly to drown his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. Lucius had listened to his troubles for all these nights and never let his glass get empty. It would be the same this night, as Severus knocked on the door, Lucius answered with the same pitiful look.

Severus entered the manor and said "Lucius I don't come here for pity."

Lucius smirked and said "Then why do I find you on my door every night and in my chair every morning?"

Severus said "Because you have the best whiskey"

Lucius laughed and replied "Yes and your tab is getting rather high. Severus is your plan to drink yourself to death?"

"I have no plan, I have no purpose and nothing else works." Severus answered.

"Bloody hell Severus! Yes you've lost a lot but life isn't over! You're going to have to sober up soon and get with the program. I can't keep nurse maiding you. You have very little time to make a decision. Not that you really have a choice but your childhood pass is almost over. Its time to take the mark or pay the price." Lucius spat at him.

Severus knew it was true there was no way of getting around it much longer. It didn't really matter so much now his future had no other option, Lily was done with him. He had succeeded in making her hate him. She was gone from his life. All he had now was his future as a death eater. Servant to the Dark Lord.

The only thing that hurt worse than losing Lily was knowing that his child would call Potter "daddy". The thought of it made him sick and angry. He hated Potter. He had often thought of hurting him even killing him just to keep Lily and his child away from the arrogant bastard. Severus had even invented his own spell to do just that.

"Severus which bottle will you be drinking tonight?" asked Lucius.

"The strongest one." replied Severus.

Lucius raised a brow and handed Severus the bottle. "I'm not running myself to death tonight, just drink from the bottle."

Severus lifted the bottle as to toast Lucius and said "Fine by me."

As Severus and Lucius sat drinking and talking they heard a loud pop. Someone had apparated into the house. From the front room a cold voice called Lucius. They both knew the voice; only one man had a voice that cold and calculated. Voldermort is here.

Lucius rose quickly and made his way to where Voldermort stood, bowing and saying "Welcome, my Lord.”

"Lucius you have company. Am I interrupting?" Sneered Voldermort.

"No, my Lord it is only Severus Snape." Replied Lucius.

"Severus is here? How wonderful! I shall speak with him." Voldermort hissed. Voldermort made his way into the library where Lucius and Severus had been drinking moments before.

As Voldermort entered Severus stood, bowed and said "My Lord".

Voldermort looked Severus over and glared at him "Trying to drown your problems I see. If you would take my mark and your place in my circle you would not have these problems. Severus I know of your talents. If only you would be a good and faithful servant you will raise through the ranks quickly. You will have more money, fame and power than you can possibly imagine. Yes I can give you all that. Only when you decide you will join me will you get your rewards. You will be untouchable. There is no curse you cannot use, no more fear, no more loneliness and you can bring wrath to those who have wronged you. The moment you take my mark all these things are yours Severus. All you must do is ask."

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