Goodbye 1977, Welcome 1978

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Severus smiled at Lily then patted her hip "Off me witch!" Lily looked a little hurt until Severus stood beside her and whispered in her ear "For now" which immediately flushed her cheeks. Severus returned with four bottles of whiskey he sat three of them of them on coffee table.

With one bottle in his hand he walked over to Remus who was sitting on the couch with Sirius "Remus Lupin, as long as I can remember I have looked at you as a loathsome creature, you were amongst my tormentors which only fueled my distain for you. I have wished you harm and ill will almost as long as I have known you. When I first found myself saddled with you and your friend I was nearly livid but because of selfish reasons I accepted and allowed you to stay in my home, to teach you things I hope one day will prove useful to you. Since I have spent time with you and we have both grown I have found you to be an extraordinary HUMAN being. You are honest, caring, kind and forgiving. You took care of the woman I love with my whole being while I was off being an ignorant fool; for that I will always owe you. I apologize for my distasteful judgment of you; please know that I no longer look at you that way anymore. I dare to say I consider you a friend. Please except this bottle of whiskey as a gift from me, with every drink you take either forgive me a sin or replace a bad thought of me with a good one."

Remus was slack jawed and speechless as he took the bottle from Snape's hand, he looked at it baffled "Uh.... Snape. I have no hard feelings toward you anymore. I hated you at one point but I now understand what was at stake and why you had to hurt her. I'm also sorry for my childish behavior and yes, I do consider you a friend." Remus said gaining more confidence with each word.

Severus smiled and nodded in approval. Severus turned and picked up another bottle looking at Sirius this time "Sirius Black, truth be told we have made each other lives hell, from pranks at school to issues with Lily and where her heart lies. Yes, I know all about your time with her. People do talk.... A lot. I can not apologize for winning her heart in the end because I am a selfish bastard and I have loved her since the day we met. I do hope love finds you though. I could stand here all day stating the obvious but I find it unnecessary, we have hated each other equally and treated each other horribly. I have grown a lot and I think you have to, I can understand your bitterness toward me where Lily is involved but I do apologize genuinely for all of my other misdeeds toward you. You are no longer my enemy; I no longer wish death upon the sight of you. I know I owe you as well for the things you did for Lily in my absence and should I ever be able to help you all you need to do is ask. I'm not sure what to call you, as I know you probably have unresolved hatred toward me and that is understandable. I do wish to put our childish past behind us in any event. Please except this bottle of whiskey as a gift from me, with every drink you take either forgive me a sin or replace a bad thought of me with a good one."

Sirius chuckled and shook his head he looked up to Snape with a face full of amusement "You know I want to hate you right? I really want to hate you. Then we are thrown together in YOUR house and I'm forced to see you, as more than a bastard, coward git and I can't hate you because I get it. Dude it takes balls to do what you're doing. I don't think I could do it. As for Lily, I took a chance and lost, I was warned before I did it. I knew I was gambling and I lost. To be perfectly honest she never looked at me like she does you and it's a game I'm glad I lost. She would never have loved me like she does you. I forgive you too, I'm always gonna fuck with you because that's just me. I expect insults and random pranks from you as well because that's just who we are and yes you arrogant, smug prick I look at you as a friend. Thanks dude."

"You are most welcome you cocky son of a bitch." Severus said with a smile.

Severus picked up the third bottle and walked toward Lily who was already shaking her head 'no'. Severus looked at her pleading "Love, I need to apologize to you the most. Plea...." Severus was silenced by Lily's hand over his mouth "Severus Snape. I love you. I know you have wronged me and hurt me and I know some parts of my memory have been erased. (A glass shattering on the floor could be heard behind them) I don't know what was taken from me and I don't want to know. Not ever. I do not ever want to hear another apology from you about our past. We have wronged each other. I forgive you and you forgive me and that's the end of it. I will take your bottle of whiskey and drink to every good memory I have of you though." Lily removed her hand and arched her eyebrows to say 'Just don't.'

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