When Love Bloomed

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It was that time of year again. Severus's birthday was approaching fast. That day along with so many other dates that intertwined their lives that wouldn't allow Lily to forget him. Lily sat at her kitchen table sipping tea as a flood of memories came rushing to her, she thought of how her life had been filled with twists and turns, she thought of all the people who had played huge parts in her life. As a tear ran down her cheek she gave into them. Stepping into the past, indulging in the love, anger, fear and loss. She went back to the day she knew her heart no longer belonged to her. She and Severus had childhood friends but nothing could compare to that day. The day that altered her life forever.

It was the first summer after Severus's mother had left his abusive muggle father. As soon as his grandfather Lord Prince had gotten word his disowned daughter had come to her senses he welcomed her home. Lord Prince had purchased Severus and Eileen a new home on Spinners End and purchased Severus his first muggle car. The Lord Prince took great pleasure in doting on his only grandson; he was trying to make up for Severus's horrible childhood.

Severus wasted no time in coming to show off his new car to Lily. Lily was sitting outside under a tree with a book in hand, upon hearing the loud roar she looked up to see the shiny black Trans Am quickly approaching her house. It rolled to a stop in front of her gate. She walked to the fence to see Severus sitting there with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face. Lily was giddy with excitement "Oh Sev! Its beautiful!"

Severus smirked and said "Yes, I know. Would you like to go for a ride in it?"

"Of course I do! Let me go tell mom were leaving. I'll be right back." Lily said then quickly ran toward the house.

Severus sat there nervous, he had loved Lily from the moment he had met her, but until now he had never felt worthy of her. His newfound family fortune had done wonders for his confidence. Severus loved Lily and he was done being just her friend, he wanted more. Today would be the day he found out if she felt the same.

Lily quickly made her way out to the car. "Oh Sev! Its got T-tops! Can we take them out?" Lily asked.

"As you wish princess! Grab that side." Severus replied giving her a mischievous look. "Miss Evans where shall we go?" he asked.

Lily thought for a moment then looked at him and said "How about an empty parking lot?"

Severus laughed and said "Girl you will be the death of me! Lets go!" They spent the afternoon doing doughnuts in parking lots and seeing who could leave the best tire marks.

Around dusk they found themselves at a small lake they just sat in the car watching the sun set across the water. Lily found herself laying her head in Severus's lap; he was gently running his fingers through her hair. She looked up at him and smiled.

He smiled back with the most mischievous look in his eyes. "Did you have fun today Lily?" he asked.

"Of course I did, I was with you!" she giggled.

He gently pulled her into his lap; he looked into those beautiful green eyes and kissed her. To his great surprise she kissed him back.

Lily had waited on this moment for years, somewhere along the way she had fell in love with her best friend. Lily pulled back to look at Severus. She could see the shock in his face; she giggled and said "Its about damn time!"

Severus was still stunned but managed to say" I love you Lily ".

Lily smiled sweetly and said" I love you too Sev." In that moment the world stood still and Lily Evans gave her heart to Severus Snape for always. That day would forever be etched into her mind.

The following weeks were full of romantic evenings that fueled the love she already felt for him.

On an August evening Severus had come to pick her up, Lily couldn't have known that this would be one of the most special nights of her life. She had no idea Severus had planned something special. He took her to a small cabin in the woods. When she walked in the entire cabin was softly lit with candle light, a beautiful bouquet of flowers next to a small pallet made on the floor.

"Oh Severus its beautiful!" Lily beamed.

He gave her a half smile and said "I have another surprise."

Lily's face lit up, she loved surprises. "What is it Sev?"

Severus walked over to where the flowers were sitting and from behind them pulled out a bottle of fire whiskey and two glasses. Severus smirked and said "How about it princess. Can you handle this or should we run out for a bottle of Strawberry Hill?"

Lily smugly said "I will drink you under the table Severus Snape!"

Severus laughed and said "And so it begins."

They sat on the pallet drinking shot for shot. It wasn't long until the bottle was gone. Lily picked up the empty bottle waving it in the air and said "We should have gone after that bottle of Strawberry Hill!" They both fell back laughing.

Severus rolled onto his side to look at Lily; she turned her head to face him. Severus leaned down and kissed Lily. That simple drunken kiss was going further than Severus ever thought possible. He stopped and pulled away from Lily.

Lily looked hurt. "Whats wrong Sev?" She asked.

Severus shook his head and said "I wont take advantage of you Lily. You'll regret this in the morning and I wont have you hating me."

Lily was stunned "Severus how could you ever think I would regret this moment with you?"

"Lily you're drunk. You aren't thinking clearly." replied Severus.

Lily looked at Severus and said "Drunk or sober I wouldn't share this moment with anyone but you. I love you. I will never regret this."

Still a little reluctant Severus asked "Are you sure Lily?"

Lily tilted her head to one side and said "I have never been more sure about anything in my life."

He was ever so gentle with her, slow and sweet. There wasn't a part of her he didn't touch or kiss. Lily was feeling rather awkward and shy but she loved him. Severus seemed to understand and took the lead. She was only 17 but he made her feel like a woman. The only woman on earth.

Severus looked at her with those dark eyes and asked once again "Are you sure?"

All Lily could do was shake her head. He then asked if she was ready, she bit her lip and threw her head back as he ever so gently eased into her, taking her innocence. Through the gentle motions he would stop and look at her with the most adoring look and make sure she was ok. She had given him her innocence but she gained her soul mate.

Afterward they laid there intertwined in each other. Her head on his chest it was complete bliss. She was his, mind, body and soul. They didn't leave the cabin that night. She would endure punishment at home but it would be worth it for this night to not end.

Lily's parents were quite upset that she had not returned home the night before. Lily told quite the fib leaving Severus out of her little lie as to not make her parents angry with him. As punishment she was no longer allowed to be friends with the girl she had lied and said she was with. This didn't bother Lily much. The girl she lied about she never cared for much anyways. She still had Severus and that's all that mattered. They had one more year at Hogwarts then they'd be finished with school and could move forward with their lives.

The summer at home was drawing to a close and Lily and Severus had to decide what to do upon returning to school. He was Slytherin and she Gryffindor. They had no mutual friends, being in different houses almost seemed like being in different worlds. Lily looked at Severus with tears in her eyes asking what they should do. If they were public about their love the Slytherins would torment Severus about his "mudblood" and the Gryffindors would taunt both of them. Especially James Potter and his little crew. They sat together for hours talking though options and consequences. At last they decided that they would act toward each other in public as they always had, "just friends".

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