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Severus gently woke Lily. She looked up at him with a groggy smile. Severus quickly put a finger to his mouth to let her know to be quiet; he then pointed over to Remus and Sirius. They both gave a small chuckle. Lily looked at Severus with a mischievous look "I have a camera in my bag." She quietly walked over to her bag and retrieved the camera snapping a picture of the two. "This will make great blackmail someday." She said giggling.

They then woke up the two boys laughing hysterically. Sirius shot up like a wild cat had been thrown on him and was crimson red in the face. Remus just looked confused. Severus made rounds handing out hang over potions and water. Lily started tea and coffee for them while Severus called Shelby the Prince house elf.

Shelby arrived with a small pop "Good morning Master Snape, how can Shelby be of service?"

"Morning Shelby. Can you please bring breakfast over for 5 people." Severus asked politely.

"Yes, Master Snape. Shelby will be very quick with it." With another small pop the little elf was gone.

Sirius looked confused "How did you call a house elf? Why in the hell was she so nice? That horrid thing at my house is awful!"

Severus was amused, it hit him that Sirius didn't have a clue that he was no longer poor. He had no clue that they were only in the guest house. No, Sirius has no clue I own the manor just across the lake. Oh, this will be fun Severus thought to himself. Severus never got to answer Sirius, Shelby reappeared with breakfast and that ended the conversation for now.

"Master Snape can Shelby do anything else for you sir?" the cute well dress elf asked.

"No Shelby, that will be all. Thank you." Severus smiled and the elf was gone. 

Breakfast was over quickly; Lily went around gathering dishes and headed to the sink.

"Lily, I can have Shelby take care of that." Severus said trying to take the dirty dishes from her.

She smiled and turned so he couldn't grab them "No! I want to do something." She walked over to the sink sat the dishes down and with a flick of her wand they cleaned, dried, and stacked themselves. She giggled and clapped her hands, she turned to Severus "I've always wanted to do that but mom will never let me."

Severus smiled and shook his head. He walked over to Lily placing both hands and her cheeks, kissed her forehead and said "Whatever makes you happy love."

Dumbledore cleared his throat "Now that we have cured what ailed us and have eaten we need to discuss what will happen in the next few weeks. I would like for the four of you to stay here and teach each other things others may not know until Christmas holiday is over. Sirius, I know you can cast a patronus charm. You could teach the others who can't. Severus, I know Sirius and Remus could use some help with potions. Lily, I know you have learned a few healing charms. It would be a great benefit for you to teach these three. Remus, I need you to start informing Lily and Severus on the process of becoming an animagus. That is if you all agree of course."

"Becoming animagus?!" Severus nearly shouted.

"Oh Sev! It was my idea. I didn't know he would ask you too. I had already planned on doing it after Christmas holiday for Remus." Lily pleaded.

"Lily why would you want to do that? What are you two fools thinking letting her do it! You do realize she could be sent to Azkaban for this?!" Severus said shooting daggers at Remus and Sirius.

"Severus, calm down. Think about it. You two will never stay apart. Should someone see you in public together or anywhere in general it would mean trouble. Should people see two animals scurrying down a side walk they would never give it a second thought." Dumbledore placing a hand on Severus's shoulder trying to calm him.

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