Lucius and Narcissa's Mess

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For the Trio the week was a lot calmer than expected, there had been a few words exchanged with other students about Remus and Sirius coming out but nothing bad enough to get them sent back to Dumbledore. Sirius was doing quite well respecting Remus's request to act as a normal couple, much to Lily and Remus's surprise. Remus rewarded his good behavior on Thursday morning with an owl dropping a red rose on plate that morning at breakfast and didn't complain or even turn red when Sirius kissed him in front of the entire great hall.

Professor McGonagall had done some redecorating of their new dorm; Lily had private quarters within it. She wouldn't allow Lily to share quarters with boys, gay or not without a proper room of her own.

Shelby had came and reported of Severus's state which was a little depressed but nothing Shelby felt required Lily to come home. Shelby made it a job of her own making to come to Lily every evening at 9 p.m. to see if her Madame needed or wanted anything.

They sent Eileen an owl to inform her that all three of them would be returning home on Friday night and planned a surprise birthday party Saturday for Severus, requesting she come to a "family dinner" on Friday night (Thinking that would pacify her into staying away from Saturday's party so they wouldn't be forced to drink wine.) and requested that she pick up two very unique gifts from Sirius and Remus.

Samantha held true to her word, she refused to speak to James until he came to his senses; as of Friday morning they still weren't speaking. She also had made an effort to strike up a friendship with Lily. Lily enjoyed the female companionship especially with Sirius and Remus being 'busy' often.

By Friday they were counting the minutes until they were allowed to leave the grounds for Hogsmeade and apparate home; which simply wasn't going by quickly enough. Every class seemed to drag on for an eternity, especially the last one.

Severus's week was lonely but fairly busy. He hated going to bed and waking up alone and Lily's absence had been almost unbearable. He had been called by the Dark Lord to brew potions of various reasons that Severus knew would be used in a manner they weren't meant for. He was fairly happy about this, it kept his mind busy and it was a far better task than some of the other things he could have been sent to do.

On Wednesday he had done what had been asked of him and at noon landed at the front gates of Malfoy Manor. Narcissa must have been watching for him because she greeted him at the door instead of the usual Dobby. "Hello Narcissa." Severus said with a smirk.

"Thank Merlin you came. I was worried you wouldn't make it. Please come in." Narcissa said in panicked yet relieved tone. Severus entered the Manor scanning the room to see if they were alone, he found no sign of other Death Eaters. "Please come with me." Narcissa almost begged.

Severus nodded and held his hand out as to say 'lead the way'. He followed the very flustered woman through the many halls until they reached a room that looked much like an office, sitting in the chair behind the desk was Lucius. Severus turned to Narcissa and arched an eyebrow in question. Narcissa gave a nervous smile and asked him to sit. "Lucius." Severus said coolly.

"Hello Snape. Good to see you made it. How are you?" Lucius asked.

"I'm well, thanks for asking, but we can cut the shit. Why am I here? I have never been in this part of the manor and Narcissa just cast a silencing charm on this room. What's going on?" Snape questioned in a tone of 'I told you so.' already knowing why he was there.

Narcissa sat in the chair next to Snape fidgeting and Lucius drew a deep breath. "We are concerned about Narcissa's safety. We thought maybe you could help. Seeing as once you were in a similar situation." Lucius finally answered.

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