Damn, Didn't Think Of That!

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Lucius and Severus were seated at the endless black table at Malfoy Manor in their usual spots, with their thoughts locked up tight. The Dark Lord cared little about Lucius's story of where he was; his only thoughts were of getting every last Death Eater into the Manor.

Bellatrix was shooting daggers at Lucius, she still wanted to kill him for her sister going missing and his behavior since; thinking he was staying drunk and screwing whores in Knockturn Alley, when he should be looking for his wife.

Lucius looked at her smugly and smirked, like he enjoyed her anger toward him.

The Manor door swung open, Karkaroff came in late as usual but today it wasn't looked over; the Dark Lord promptly hit him with Crucio as soon as he cleared the door. When that display of discipline was over and Karkaroff made his way to his seat the Dark Lord began his never ending hissing but this time every single Death Eater, old and new hung on his every word. It had been months since he had gathered them and they knew this would be important.

"You all are a great disappointment to me, on the exception of Bellatrix and Crouch Jr. I care not to tell you how many of you failed your last task. Properly punishing each of you would take too much of my precious time, though I have greatly considered making time for just that!" The Dark Lord hissed as he walked the length of the table looking as if he could kill them all at any moment. "I have found there were not very many pure or half blood families that were expecting during the set time frame of the prophecy, thanks to Mr. Crouch Jr. They all can be taken out in a single night if need be. I will handle those families myself, as it seems none of you are competent enough to fulfill a simple task." The Dark Lord spitting venom with every word.

No one dared to flinch or even move. They all sat like statues cowering under their very pissed off master.

"I called you here to inform you that you all have the same task. Tomorrow in the muggle world, children and their parents will celebrate Halloween. They will all be walking up and down streets in every neighborhood. I have a list of possible muggle born babies, thanks to the wonderful and faithful Bellatrix. You will be paired together and sent to these muggle homes. You will verify the names and addresses you are given and that there is a baby of proper age in that home. You will do nothing else. I have chosen tomorrow night because most homes will be empty during dusk hours. I have almost made this fool proof for you idiots. I don't care how you achieve this task but if you should fail to bring me what I ask for by midnight tomorrow; death will be what you beg for." The Dark Lord bellowed at them from the head of the table. "Bella, give these morons their tasks while I go have a drink to calm myself before I kill this lot of unworthy filth." The Dark Lord barked as he left the room.

Bellatrix quickly called pairs of names and handed each parchment with the same information on each. She called Lucius and Severus last with an evil smirk as the pair walked over to her they could see the evil dancing in her eyes as she handed them the parchment with their task. They said nothing and turned to walk back to there seats. "Oh, Snapey. My Lord knows your little secret. You're both in for it. I can't wait to see what he does to you two." Bellatrix teased followed by her high-pitched evil cackle.

Severus and Lucius tensed but refused to lose their composure. "Bella, I haven't a clue what you are referring to. I have no secrets." Severus said flatly and stoic. He returned to his seat, internally screaming but never let it show on his face.

The Dark Lord slithered back into the room still looking like they all were scum deserving of death, "Fail and you will beg Merlin to bring your death. Get out! All of you! Except you, Severus and Lucius, I wish to speak with you two."

The Manor cleared quickly, no one waited to be told twice to leave. "Come into the library with me." The Dark Lord hissed.

As the three of them made their way to the room Lucius looked to Severus, Severus quickly shook his head no and threw his nose into the air to show Lucius that they must remain confident and strong. They must do whatever it took to protect those in Prince Manor even if that meant death.

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