Born In The Dark, But It Wasn't Last Night

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Lily was awakened in the early morning hours of June 5th to a light knock on her bedroom door. She quietly got out of bed and went to the door; she found Narcissa on the other side of it, "What's wrong?" Lily asked surprised.

Narcissa quietly asked, "Can you come to my room? This is sort of embarrassing."

Lily nodded, "I'll be right there. Let me change clothes real quick."

Narcissa quietly said "Thank you." and waddled back toward her room.

Lily changed and gave a quick knock before entering Narcissa's room, "What's wrong love?" as she shut the door.

Narcissa blushed, "I'm not sure." She said in a more panicked tone.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Lily asked confused.

Narcissa huffed, embarrassed as she was she needed help, "I'm not sure if I had an accident or if my water broke." She mumbled as she placed her hands over her now red face.

"Oh, well was it a lot or a small amount?" Lily asked in a soft tone.

"Honestly, it could have been either. I feel like I live in the bathroom lately." Narcissa mumbled.

Lily felt awful for Narcissa, figuring she had an accident in her sleep and with the baby due any day now overreacted again, suggested taking a shower while Lily got Idgie to help clean up the bed.

Narcissa agreed now feeling more embarrassed and burdensome since she had woke Lily again for the third time in a week.

Narcissa was standing at the closet trying to find something clean and comfortable to put on, Lily was removing the bedclothes as she called for Idgie. Idgie took the dirty clothing and returned with fresh linens, she magically cleaned and dried the mattress and was putting on the sheets. Lily was standing in the door way watching to make sure Narcissa had everything before returning to bed. Everything seemed to be in order and Lily was about to head back to her room until she seen Narcissa drop the clothing she was holding, clutch her stomach, yelped and then the puddle of water that couldn't be mistaken this time pooled in the floor.

"Well love, I think this is it. Get back in the bed." Lily said in the calmest voice she could manage.

"Idgie, go wake Master Black and tell him I need him now!" Lily ordered that elf before calling the other one, "Shelby!" "Yes Madame Snape?" Shelby asked. "Go wake Master Snape and tell him I need him now!" Lily turned to Narcissa after the elves were gone, "Are you ok?"

Narcissa looked scared shitless and panted a faint, "Yes."

"Ok, I'm not leaving this room but I'll be busy for a few minutes. I you need something make it known. Ok?" Lily said quickly. Narcissa nodded in understanding. Sirius ran down the hall of rooms knowing it must be time, he forgot to bother with clothing and appeared at the door in his boxers with Remus right behind him. Severus wasn't but a few seconds behind them. Lily took charge of the situation, "Sirius, I need a patronus to Dumbledore right now. Tell him we need Pompfrey and quickly! Severus, I need Lucius like 10 minutes ago! Remus, I need you to help me but please go put on some pants." She got no answers just three men doing exactly as she had asked. She walked over to Narcissa who was in visible pain, "I don't know what is safe to give you. Madame Pompfrey should be here soon. She will know. Severus has gone to get Lucius. We'll get through this. Do what you need to, scream, or cry or hell break my hand if you need to." Lily said in the most reassuring tone.

Narcissa didn't say anything for a minute, the pain subsided and she could talk again, "Lily, I'm scared."

Lily brushed the hair that was now glued to her forehead with sweat, away and calmly said, "Love you wouldn't be human if you weren't scared. I'm here and we'll get through this. Just think, this time tomorrow we will finally have a baby to put in all those clothes we have bought." Narcissa gave a faint smile, and then tensed in pain again.

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