Where Are We?

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Before Severus ever entered the kitchen where is wife and mother where chatting he could hear her angelic laughter. He stopped just outside the kitchen keeping himself out of sight eavesdropping on their conversation. His mother was telling a terribly embarrassing story of his first attempt at magic and Lily seemed to think it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. Just a few short months ago I would have felt betrayed and angry he thought still listening. I was such a bitter and angry person; I let my anger and bitterness drive me to stupid things. I wonder how different my life would have been if things had always been like this? I certainly wouldn't be standing here branded by the Dark Lord, yet how did I get here? I'm standing here watching my wife.....wife.... Lily Evans, No!.... Lily Snape and my mother laughing at my childhood mishaps and I find it endearing. After every terrible thing I've done what did I do to deserve this? It almost seems like a dream. Lily is my wife and Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are asleep in my guest room...... who would have ever thought... Severus was lost in thought.

"Babe? Are you ok?" Lily asked worried as she saw him standing there when she had gotten up to put her cup in the sink.

Severus snapped from his thoughts "Yes love I'm wonderful. Come I have something to show you." He grabbed her hand and led her back to the kitchen table. He sat looking at her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness "Lily,....I need you to read something. Do not speak it, simply read it and commit it to memory." Severus placed the parchment from Dumbledore on the table and pushed it toward Lily before taking his fingers off the parchment holding it firm to the table he looked to his mother.

Eileen knew well what he was giving Lily; she imagined he was scared of what her reaction would be. Merlin knows Severus didn't take it well the first time he entered the Manor. He still didn't care for it, that would all change once he's not there alone she thought. Eileen smiled at her son and gave a nod of approval.

Severus let out a long sigh and removed his hand off the parchment allowing Lily to pick it up. Lily quickly picked it up and furrowed her eyebrows; she looked to Severus about to ask what it meant but was met with him shaking his head no.

"Commit it to memory." Severus urged her.

Lily sat studying the paper for a few minutes finally placing it on the table then looking to Severus with a what now look.

"You've memorized it?" he asked questioningly.

"Yes, Sev. I got it." Lily answered unamused.

"Very well, please go throw that parchment in the fireplace then." Severus directed her.

Lily rolled her eyes and did as she was asked, she returned to stand beside him with her hand on her hip. It was taking all of her will to remain quiet and not question the odd address.

Severus looked up at her and read her irritation with him like a book "Now or never I guess. Mother are you coming?"

Eileen smiled and simply said, "No dear, I'm sure your company will awake before you return. I will stay here with them until you return."

"Very well." Severus stood and turned to Lily trying to lighten her irritated mood put out his hand "Madame Snape, shall we?"

Lily was irritated but apparently she was going somewhere so she was trying to hide her excitement "We shall, Insufferable Husband!"

The last thing they heard before apparating was Eileen's laughter.

When Severus and Lily landed the shock on Lily's face was immediate. Severus couldn't help but adore the look on her face. Clueless little thing has no clue this is her new home he smiled to himself.

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