Old Magic

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The sun was coming up Remus and Sirius hadn't really slept much in the last 4 days. Sirius was at his usual place beside Lily's bed, Remus was in a chair opposite him.

Remus sighed and looked at the broken Sirius "Sirius I'm worried about you."

Sirius looked up at him confused and asked "Why would you be worried about me?"

Remus knitted his eyebrows together and quietly said "It's plain to everyone that you are in love with her. What are you going to do if she doesn't love you back? I know you hate him but she loves him. Can you love her past his memory? I have been your best friend for the last 6 years, I know you inside and out. She's not something you can forget or throw away if you cant have her exactly like you want her. His memory will always be a ghost for her. Can you really handle that?"

Sirius slumped in his chair rubbing his forehead with his head down, deep in thought he replied "I've never been second best at anything. I know in a lot of ways I'm still childish like that, I know I want what I want right now. I'm a spoiled ass rich kid who had everything handed to him. I'm not sure how I'll handle her feelings, all I know is right now I'd do anything for her to just look at me. I really wouldn't give a shit if all she did is look at me and tell me to get the fuck out! She is the only person I have never felt selfish about. Her happiness means more than what I want. I promised her she would never be alone, and she won't. No matter how she wants me I'll always be with her. So if that's what your calling love then, yes I suppose I'm in love with her. I'll deal with whatever comes along with her."

Remus smiled and shook his head chuckling a little "Look at this shit! Sirius Black all grown up!"

Sirius looked at Remus laughing, stuck up his middle finger and said "You better not tell a soul! I like being the spoiled ass rich kid!"

The day melted away Remus and Sirius hadn't left, Lily had many visitors, James, Slughorn, Minerva even Hagrid had stopped by. All day Lily had laid peaceful looking, not so much as a flinch.

Very late in the evening Dumbledore walked in, he wore a very sad look. "Boys I want to try something, it's a long shot but the heart is a funny thing. Lily has an old soul and she believes in old magic. Sirius and Remus can you please step away."

The pair did as Dumbledore asked and moved into the far corner thinking he was about to do some kind of ancient spell on Lily.

Dumbledore sat on the side of Lily's bed and grabbed her hand, he placed a piece of crumpled parchment in her hand and leaned down and whispered into her ear where only she could hear him.  He straightened up some, kissed her on the forehead and wiped away what looked like a tear rolling down her cheek. He turned to look at the pair standing in the corner, they looked at him in disbelief, he gave a smile and a wink and walked out.

Sirius and Remus hurried back to Lily's side, Sirius squealed like a little girl when he saw her hand move to clutch the parchment in her hand. Sirius and Remus stood there holding their breath, as Lily began to stir.

Finally her eyes fluttered open; she looked around with confusion in her eyes. The first person she seen was Sirius, he was standing there looking at her like a puppy dog begging to be adopted. Lily let out a giggle and an audible sigh was let out by both men.

Sirius grabbed Lily's hand and asked "Are you ok? Do you need anything? I'm so sorry Lily! What can I do to make you better?"

Remus chuckled and cut in before Lily could say anything "Sirius! Calm down! She's awake now give her a second to get her bearings."

Sirius shot Remus a fuck you look but didn't say a word.

Lily giggled again she tilted her head, reached up with the back of her hand and brushed Sirius's cheek and said "I'm fine. A little confused but fine. You look like a puppy needing adopting!"

Remus chuckled and said "Sweetheart you have no clue!"

Lily looked to Remus and gave him a smile and nod then narrowed her eyes "Remus Lupin! You're in trouble! You told on me!"

Remus with a confused look asked "What exactly did I tell love?"

Lily pointing her finger at him failing miserably at containing her smile said "You told them about the whiskey and dog bowls!" The room erupted in laughter.

"Well its so good to have your sassy self-back, we have missed you greatly!" Remus told her still looking guilty.

Lily's face fell a little, it had finally hit her she hadn't woke up at Hogwarts, she was at St. Mungos. Lily looked at Sirius panicked and asked "Why am I here?"

Sirius looked to Remus then back to Lily "I'll only tell you if you promise to stay calm. I just got you back I don't want them to have to give you a draught to put you back out. Everything is fine. Do you promise to stay calm?"

"Yes, I promise I'll do my best to stay calm. Now please tell me how I ended up here! The last thing I remember is dancing with you at the willow tree." Lily said calmly.

Sirius sighed loudly knowing he'd tell her about being barren last because that would be the most upsetting "Lily we were dancing under that willow. We don't know who or how but a spell was cast at either you or James. You both were hit, before you get upset James is fine, he went home almost 2 days ago. The spell that was cast was of dark magic and they had a rather hard time closing your wounds because they were rather deep. You are fine now, I haven't seen it but I'm told you have a diagonal scar across your stomach. Are you ok so far?"

Lily looked a little shocked but nodded her head. "What aren't you telling me Sirius? I can see you're holding something back." Lily asked very pointedly.

Sirius had his head down shaking his head no. He looked up to Remus tears welling up in his eyes pleading silently for him to tell her, his guilt wouldn't allow him to do it but she deserved to know.

Remus sat on Lily's bed and took her hand smiled at her sadly and told her "Lily, sweetheart, you will never be able to have children. The cut was so deep that it injured you in a way that children will never be possible. I'm sorry love. If it weren't for us you would have never been out there. This would have never happened to you."

Lily sat silently crying she suddenly felt a huge loss. She felt as though something had been torn from her. She was telling herself it was knowing she would never be a mother that she was mourning but there was still something that just didn't settle right with her.

The two men held her hands and let her cry, both of them apologizing repeatedly. Lily managed to calm back down and dry her eyes. She looked at the two men who had no doubt stayed with her nonstop the last 4 days, she smiled at them sweetly and said "Thank you both. I don't know what I'd do without either of you. Now one of you go spring me so we can go home!"

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