What Happened Last Night?

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Severus was awakened to a rather hard smack to the back of his head. "What the hell!" he exclaimed as he rolled over to see his very angry looking mother.

"Severus I will give you one minute exactly to get decent and meet me in the kitchen!" Eileen hissed in a whisper.

Dear Merlin what is that woman so angry about Severus thought as he gently eased himself away from Lily's grip to get out of bed without waking her. Severus threw on the pants Sirius had conjured him the night before and grabbed a shirt from the closet then went on his death march to his angry mother. "Good morning to you too mother." He said with a fake grin rubbing the back of his head.

"After what you did last night you should be grateful I didn't hex you into oblivion!" Eileen bit with a very hurt look.

"Mother the only thing I did last night was great drunk and well.... Lily isn't exactly a shock. I am a grown man after all." Severus still not understanding his mother's wrath.

"Yes, yes you are a grown man. MAN being the key word. I thought I had raised you better but I guess I didn't. You are as thoughtless and cruel as any other man I've ever encountered." Eileen said holding back tears.

"Mother you can't possibly be this upset over me being with Lily. How did you even find out she was here? I haven't seen you since grandfather's funeral. Shelby hasn't made mention of you staying in the manor. The last post I received from you, you were in Paris." Severus not understanding his mothers emotional state and harsh words.

"Severus Snape I don't care if I am on the other side of the Earth! I expect to be notified of my only child's life altering decisions before they are made!" Eileen bit.

"Mum I didn't realize that it meant so much to you to know when I got a girlfriend. I don't understand how that is life altering." Severus said almost sarcastically.

Eileen let out a bitter laugh "Girlfriend..... Just how drunk did you get last night and what exactly happened?"

"Ok mother I will recount my life altering day for you. I learned how to cast a patronus charm. Which happens to be a fox that matches Lily's. Then Dumbledore stopped by to bring my company their things and then we played a muggle drinking game. We all consumed far too much whiskey. We were talking in the sitting room and Lily got upset about herself thinking no one would marry her. I told her that I would and one of my very drunk guests put on a fake wedding for us to make her feel better. Then we.....ummm..... went to bed." Severus stumbling over the last sentence blushing at the memory of the night before.

"A fake wedding!" Eileen said in disbelief.

"Yes mother, he was drunk and never said a word while waving his wand over us. Lily was upset and she means the world to all of us, so yes we in a drunken stupor, had a fake wedding. You never answered me as to how you even found out she was staying here." Severus said right before he consumed his hang over potion.

"Well my dear child I was getting dressed this morning and noticed that something very special to me was missing. A black velvet box was missing from its usually spot on my vanity. I apparated here begging Merlin it was here for some reason. Shelby met me in the manor and when I asked her about it, she informed me that she brought it to you last night! That is when I came to see my dear child that I know is staying in the guest house because he finds the manor to large. When I walked into your room my question was answered for the most part." Eileen stated still rather emotional.

"Oh yes, I apologize mother. I have the box. Shelby brought it to me last night when Sirius sent her for a camera. I put it in my pocket. I had no clue where she got it from or why she brought it but I never even opened the box." Severus said as he reached into his pocket pulling out the black velvet box from the night before and handing it to his mother. As he let go of the box he remembered what Shelby had told him the night before. "Merlin mother! I understand now!" he chuckled. "You thought I got married last night didn't you! I just remembered Shelby telling me what is in the box! I was so confused as to why you were so angry with me. It was fake mother. I apologize for upsetting you like that."

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