The Slytherin Mother

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Eileen was quietly sitting at the kitchen table reading the prophet when she started hearing voices coming from the guest room. She listened intently as she had always been of the nosy sort.

"What the hell Sirius!"


"Get your ass off me dammit!" followed by a rather large thud.

"How the hell did we end up in here?"

"I have no fucking clue!"

"Get dressed dammit!"

"Will you shut up before they here us!"

"Oh, like they won't notice both of us gone from the living room! Moron!"

"Just shut the hell up! My head hurts too bad for this."

Eileen listened to the boys' banter trying desperately not to laugh. That'll teach him to marry my son without his knowledge and his mother, she thought. She got up from the table and started tea, found Severus's potion stores retrieving two hangover potions, and called Shelby to bring them a light lunch. Shelby had returned with the food and left before the boys gained enough courage to leave the bedroom.

"I don't think they are here. It's too quiet." Remus whispered hoping they were alone.

"Just where would they go genius?" Sirius bit back.

By the time the boys had reached the kitchen they were sure they were alone and had avoided a very embarrassing situation but as they rounded the corner both of their faces turned blood red as Eileen looked up and smiled a wicked smile of 'Oh, yes I heard that'.

"Good afternoon boys, Shelby brought you some lunch, there's tea and hangover potions here as well. I was starting to get lonely. Won't you join me."

Remus and Sirius looked to each other questioning who this woman was but she knew Shelby so she must know Snape they thought.

"Ummm..... Yes ma'am. Thank you." Remus managed through his confused embarrassment.

Sirius in his unusual demeanor looked at the floor and walked to the table.

Eileen took a small amount of pleasure in making these two nervous; she knew well who they were and how they had treated her son during his school years. Eileen decided to have a little fun at their expense, because that's what mothers do.... Isn't it, she smirked as the thought fluttered through her head. "I understand you all had quite an eventful night last night." Eileen started the conversation.

Both boys once again turned beet red, Remus nodded and swallowed the bite of food in his mouth, took a long drink of water, and cleared his throat before he managed to find any words "We did have a rather fun night..... what I can remember of it." He said looking at Sirius who refused to look up from his plate.

Eileen quickly figured out that Remus was the kinder of the two and she needed to find a way to get Mr. Black to talk, "So, Shall I call you Sirius, Mr. Black or is Preacher Black these days?"

Sirius looked up shocked, who the hell is this woman he thought and how does she know about last night "Sirius will be just fine ma'am. What shall we call you?" Sirius asked thinking he would get an answer that would help.

Eileen smiled at him and said simply "Mrs. Prince."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Prince" Sirius said trying to hide his frustration of still not knowing who she was.

This wasn't enough fun for Eileen, she wanted them to cringe instead of just being uncomfortable, "So how long have you two been together?"

Remus choked on his tea and Sirius shocked and embarrassed screamed "WHAT?!"

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