All In A Name

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Severus walked into the sitting room to find his mother and Dumbledore deep in conversation. This will not end well he was thinking as he inched closer to where they were.

"Albus I don't care what it costs, I don't care who has to be bribed or bought! Just do it!" Eileen stated flatly.

Severus cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Well Severus....... I hear you had an eventful night." Dumbledore eyeing him over his spectacles.

"Yes sir, we did. It was unintentional in the moment but it is what it is and Lily is very happy about it and I cannot say I didn't wait this. Maybe not at this exact moment but none the less I'm not unhappy, just worried." Severus said standing his ground.

"Severus dear, we have been tossing around ideas to help conceal this marriage until such time that things can be set right." Eileen trying to ease her son's fears.

"Good Morning!" Lily beamed as she pranced through the house stopping next to Severus and hooking her arm through his.

"Good Morning dear. Congratulations! I so wish I could have been here." Eileen said smiling at Lily then glaring at Severus.

"Mrs. Prince I am so sorry about that. My parents will be very upset as well. We honestly had no clue it was real. I don't remember Sirius saying anything last night. We honestly thought it was a joke." Lily said apologetically.

"I heard sweetheart. I do hope Shelby managed to take pictures. I was told she was sent after a camera and came back with a camera and your rings." Eileen smiled.

"I'm sure she did mother. You know how Shelby is; she would never fail anything asked of her. She probably took so many if you flicked them quickly it would show you the entire thing." Severus laughed.

"One can only hope." Eileen bit still a little bitter.

"Lily dear we need to discuss the consequences of last night. You have to return to school in four days. We must keep this a secret until it is safe." Severus told her with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

"Do I have to go back? Why can't I stay with you? I don't want to leave you for six months." Lily said almost begging.

"Yes. You are returning. You are safer there and you know I am called at all hours and you would be alone. Not to mention you must take and pass your N.E.W.T.S. You are not giving up your dreams because we are married. We will still be married in six months when you finish." Severus stated sternly.

Lily huffed and looked to Mrs. Prince and Dumbledore for help but neither would agree with her. Knowing she was defeated finally asked Dumbledore "Headmaster, I will gladly return to Hogwarts and finish this year and continue on as we had planned but I would like to respectfully ask to be allowed to come home to my husband on the weekends."

Dumbledore gave her a half smile "I think we can work around that as long as Severus says it is safe for you here."

"Have you figured out what to do about her name?" Severus asked anxiously

"What about my name?" Lily asked confused.

"Love in our world when one marries their name automatically changes. When those vows were sealed last night your name changed from Evans to Snape; everything at Hogwarts now has the name Lily Snape." Severus informed her with a voice laced in worry.

"Oh! That's a problem huh..." Lily said peering up at him.

"Yes, a rather large problem." Severus eyeing Dumbledore silently pleading for an answer.

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