It's Time

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Remus and Lily entered the kitchen to a room full of people cackling and howling in laughter. Remus rolled his eyes then looked to the ceiling knowing Sirius was behind it. Lily looked on in amusement wondering what was so funny. Sirius managed to contain his laughter long enough to say "and that's why he would laugh every time we said 'balls'." Only to immediately start laughing again.

Lily looked to Remus with a smirk and an arched eyebrow.

Remus didn't even have to look at her to know she was silently asking to be filled in "I'll tell you later."

Lily didn't say another word; she walked over and sat in her husbands lap. Still chuckling he said, "You missed a hell of a story."

"I see that. Remus says he'll tell me later." Lily informed him.

The laughter was calming down "Sirius Black, I will murder you right here if you tell anymore of that story!" Remus said in a very matter of fact tone.

Sirius snickered "I promise, I'm done. No more stories today." Followed by a wink.

"Hello Mrs. Prince, Headmaster, I'm glad to see you." Lily said trying to be nice.

"Sweetheart you are family now, call me Eileen please. I only came by to see you off. Dumbledore and I had a meeting this morning and he informed me he must come take you three back to school today. I wanted to say good-bye and let you know should you need anything you may owl me at anytime. I will be more than happy to help you with anything dear." Eileen smiled at her.

Lily held back the tears she swore she wouldn't cry "Thank you. If you could help me keep tabs on Severus that would be wonderful."

"I can do that for you love." Eileen gave her a sad yet reassuring look.

Lily only nodded not trusting she could manage more words. Severus pulled her tight to him, kissing her cheek and whispering, "It won't be that long and Dumbledore said you could come home some weekends." Lily gave a half hearted smile "I know."

Dumbledore silently watched the room, part of him was gloating internally that all had worked as planned. Lily and Severus were back together where they belonged. Sirius and Remus finally admitted their secret lust that had started years ago, just as they should be. Three enemies made friends; like they could have always been had they made different choices years ago. He had also gained three new Order members upon their graduation and a spy. 'Funny, all it took was to lock them in a house together for a week.' He thought. He glanced at a nearby wall clock and drew a deep breath "I almost hate to do this.......but we need to depart soon. I have many things to take care of and you all need to settle back into your rooms."

The whole room turned to look at the red head buried in Snape's chest quietly begging to stay and looking at his anguished face and he petted her head and shushed her.

"Gentlemen would you all escort an old lady outside for some fresh air. The grounds here are beautiful, come I will show them to you quickly." Eileen said daring either of them to argue with her, yet wore a smile.

"I do not see any old ladies present but it would be an honor to escort you outside." Dumbledore said as smooth as silk while hooking his arm inside Eileen's walking toward the door.

Sirius and Remus followed snickering, "Damn, Headmaster got some slick moves." Sirius whispered. Remus smiled and pushed Sirius through the door.

Severus held Lily and let her cry trying to comfort her, constantly whispering reassurances to her that all would work out and it wasn't very long at all compared to a lifetime. He managed to get her calmed down enough to make all kinds of promises of future things they would do, travel the world, never spend a day apart after she left school, and eventually adopt a few 'shitheads' to help fill the emptiness in the Manor. The talk of the future seemed to help, as she was now talking about how many she wanted to adopt and what colors their rooms would be. Severus did the manly thing and shook his head in agreement, anything was better than her crying. He loathed seeing her cry. He held her tight to him taking in everything that was her, her voice, her laugh, her scent, how when she made a quick movement he got slapped in the face with her long red hair, how just her touch could make him forget everything but her, he sat in awe of her; listening to her carry on about their future chiming in occasionally.

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