True Colors

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Severus landed in Hogsmeade there was only one way to deal with this pain, a bar full of whiskey should do the trick. Severus walked into Hogs Head looking down at the ground hoping no one he knew would be around. It was Christmas everyone should be with their families, he could sit here and drink himself numb without being bothered. He made it to the bar, sat down and told the bar keep to bring him a bottle and a glass.

Severus was on his second glass when he heard a chair scrape across the floor and the words

"You fucking bastard!"

He smirked knowing the voice that had taunted him for years, with very little moment he grabbed his wand that was tucked in his robes prepared for anything, he heard footsteps and knew the mutt was walking toward him. 

"Hey you fucking git! Did you not hear me?" a very pissed off Sirius barked.

Severus slowly turned on the stool smiled and with his calm velvet voice said "I'm sorry I don't speak mutt."

Sirius drew back to punch Severus but before the blow landed Remus grabbed him.

"Can you two not grow up? Must you always act like insolent children? I left Hogwarts and you still cannot leave me be!" Severus hissed at them. 

"Leave you be?! What in the hell makes you think you deserve peace? Do you realize we have been cleaning up your mess since you decided they weren't worth your time? Yes! We're the shoulders she has cried on for months. We're the ones who had to make an unbreakable vow to lie to her for the rest of her life. We're the ones who sat by her bed worried sick wondering if she'd ever wake up! Where the fuck were you when she needed you? Oh..... that's right. Off doing sick shit for that piece of shit you call master. Fuck you Snape!" Sirius spat at Snape with venom.

Severus was stunned, how did they know about the baby? Dumbledore swore it wouldn't leave the staff that knew and he knew Lily had been told not to tell anyone. "Fuck! Can this day get any worse?" Severus riddled with guilt hung his head in shame.

He was tired of lying. He was tired of living with the regret. He was tired of being alone and miserable. Severus never looked up he simply mumbled "I didn't want to do any of this. I never wanted to leave them. I had no choice; it was leave them in safety or watch them be killed."

"You are still a fucking coward Snape! You don't up and leave a woman in that condition! I don't give a fuck what you're facing! You abandoned them!  A real man would have done whatever it took!" Sirius spat at him.

Severus so done with this miserable existence looked up at Sirius with pleading eyes "I did what I thought was best. I see that my best will only come upon my death." Severus handed Sirius his wand "I believe you know the curse Mr. Black. If it takes my death to make this right, then please by all means, I'm ready."

Sirius looked down at the wand that had been handed to him in disbelief. "This crazy bastard isn't joking. He gave me his damn wand!" Sirius looked back to Severus snarled his nose and said "I'd love to kill you but seeing as how it must take a tortured soul to give over his wand and ask for death, I think I'll just let you live. I'd much rather watch you grieve yourself to death than to make it quick and easy. But I'm fucking warning you if you ever come near her again I wont hesitate to kill your worthless ass!"

It all seemed to happen so fast the door to the pub opened, the three angry men looked to the door, there stood Lily her face contorted in pain with silent tears falling from her red puffy eyes with none other than Dumbledore himself standing behind her, the next sound heard was the clank of the two bonded bracelets falling to the floor.

Lily turned to run out the door but Dumbledore blocked the door. He looked down at her with a pitiful look and said "My dear we need to talk. All of us." He pulled Lily to him where she stood sobbing into his robes. He shot the three men a look of disgust. "I'm assuming you didn't know the bar keep is my brother Aberforth? I will also assume you had no clue she was standing here!"

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