Surgery Chapter 22

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Marina's POV

I got off the bed terrified. I mean sure I dont like her but I dont want her to die!! and frankly she is my little sis. Luna ran downstairs. I ran into Roxy's room and picked up her favorite stuffed animal fluffy the bear.  We ran out to the car dad right behind us with his phone. I picked up my shellphone to call Mom. I mean since were powerful mermaids maybe the queen of merville can let us take the water out of her lungs. It was really late like 11:00. I called her and the shellphone kept ringing. Suddenly mom picked up. 

Me: Mom! My little sister drowned and is in critical condition is there anything we can do?

Mom paused for a moment before speaking. "hold on" she left the phone for a little while. Dad was so close to speeding to the hospital. Mom picked up again "its real dangerous but I dont want you to do this"

Me: Just tell me

Mom: ugh ok when she is sleeping you open her mouth and you need to evaporate all the water from her mouth

Me: Thanx mom!

Mom: But dont try it it could get wors-

I hung up. I told my dad and Luna the method she told me but she also told me it would be dangerous. Dad thought for a minute before talking. "Dont do it let the doctors do it" I nodded and slumped in my seat. Soon we arrived and we ran out of the car. We asked a nurse which room it was and ran upstairs. We ran into the room and my eyes widened at the sight. It must of been serious. Roxy had tubes sticking into her arm and stepmom was trying to dry her off she was soaking wet. I walked closer. Her little eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me. I couldnt help but smile back. I handed her fluffy and she was barely squealing. Stepmom explained how Roxy swallowed something and it blocked off her circulation. She will need to undergo with surgery. Roxy was pale. I gave her a tight hug and than realizing that she was still wet, ran into the closet space. I grew a tale and fell down. Stepmom was trying to get in but I told her no. Soon my tail came off and I walked out. Everyone was looking at me. I just smiled and walked up to Roxy. We all fell asleep and Luna refused to leave because she was technically part of this family and stepmom didnt mind. We all fell asleep next to Roxy.

At about 3 in the morning a doctor burst in. We all got up quickly and saw Roxy strainging to breath. I ran over and ran my fingers through her hair. "Its ok rox" I said. The doctors placed her on a moving cart thing and led her to a surgery room. I was pacing the room. Dad and stepmom looked really nervous. The clock kept tick- tick-ticking. The minutes felt like hourse and the hours felt like days. Roxy has been in surgery till 5 in the morning. Soon a doctor burst through the doors. He was real sweaty but when he removed the little nouth mask thing he was smiling. "She is absolutely fine,she is just recovering but there is something that concerns me" I was so confused. 

Doctor: You see we told you an object was blocking her circulation.

Dad: Correct

Doctor: Well the object is unidentible. 

Stepmom: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: Well you see I though she swallowed a rock but this isnt a rock.

My heart sank

Me: Is it poisenous?

Doctor: As I said we dont even know what this is.

We all looked at each other, than the doctor lifted an object up. It was something black in a ziploc bag. I covered my mouth from not letting out a scream, Luna did the same. Dad looked at me and Luna. Stepmom covered her eyes. 

There in the ziploc bag was a black magic shard. The thing is Roxy saw who our cousin is (Aqua). Aqua cant just shoot these into her mouth Roxy would die. Aqua must of pulled her underwater and shove this into her mouth.

Authors Note: So what do you guys think? 

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