08. The Unsolved Mystery!

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Brinda.." oh my goodness. .. such a long conversation.."

Prem.." I'll come in 5 mins... I just have a little chit chat with Rathesh .."

Brinda questioned "who is Rathesh? ?? ..."

"I said na Arjun's cousin brother. .. he got job offer here... In near by bank. .. so Arjun asked me to talk to Rathesh. .. regarding the stay... nearby" explained Prem..

Brinda replied " okay. .. I also want to talk to him..."

"Come.. Let's talk to your future brother in law" said Prem..

" idiot" she murmured under her breath...

" I heard that"... replied Prem...

" I know.." She said with a naughty smirk...

They both have lill chat and talked for a while. ..

All these are happening in car shed opposite to Brinda's home. ..

In Brinda's home.

Manoramma .."okay okay.... I'm leaving... Even I don't wish to see ur faces again .."

Saying so she left... Brinda is getting down from car... And asking prem to come quickly... In the meantime.... Manoramma coming out of the house and leaving... While Brinda turned... She just saw some lady's shade ... For a second... She turned and saw a lady going.........

Brinda entered and questioned "ma who's that lady?"

Both Radha and Krishna get shocked. ...

Brinda continued while placing her hand bag in sofa " I didn't see her face... While crossing the road I saw her.. "

"May be some outsider, you go and refresh beta... dinner is ready" Krishna replied with care and guilt about lying.

Brinda "okay pa... I just go and Fresh up... Prem is talking to his friend ... He asked to serve dinner.... He will come...."

Saying so she left to freshen up...

Brinda to herself " I saw that lady leaving from my house... Then why ma and pa said like that... I have to figure it out..."

Brinda came to dinning hall and pick up an apple and said... Pa I'm not feeling hungry... Myself and Natasha have food in a restaurant near Ratheshwar Coloney .. I just have apple if I feel hungry later... Pa and ma... I'm very tired today... I just go and sleep... Bye... Dears ..."Saying so she placed kisses on their cheeks... And left to sleep..

"again she gone there.. Ratheshwar coloney... " Radha gets upset.

"but don't worry, Prem is with her" consoled Krishna.

Both looked tense... Seeing each other... And shared their fear of losing their daughter... through eyes...

Prem says good night to Rathesh and enters... Both Radhakrishna came to senses...

" Ma I'm hungry ..." Prem whinnied in hunger.

"come dear ... Brinda gone to sleep... She said she didn't feel hungry and feels tired..." said Radha

Prem replied "she didn't ate anything..."

Krishna exclaimed " she ate food in resturant... With Natasha she said... She didn't say this to u ah?... Unbelievable..!"

Prem thinks -'something is wrong.. and says ...'
"No pa... We were talking someother thing while coming... So we didn't talk else..."

Everyone sits to eat... After dinner they retired for sleep...

In Krishna and Radha's room;

Radha murmured "after settling her the money... We will be happy forever..."

Krishna nodded and said " truth will come out someday... We should prepare for it...."

Both thinking about this and slept... All this was watching by Prem... Who is standing with a glass of milk and small knife...

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