10.The secret in the statue...

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Arjun reaches the Godown and started cleaning all over the statue...

He notes the details regarding the statue... Later Niranjan also joins him..

"This Statue might fall beyond 500 B C or even before that... only that time most statues where made out of single piece of Rock..." said Niranjan informatively...

"Especially... the paint still seems new.... It survived lots of Storms and Thunders... But still the face is not clear.. A part of it is detached... " Arjun Analysed...

"Yes Arjun.. They are natural paints.. Still the temple in Chola period stills has the same type of painting.. Even the Experts failed to find the reason of its Existence over decades and See those Jewels... those type of Designed Jewels which where sculptured in this Statue of the Woman screams Royalty... She might be a Princess at that time" After analysing the theme of Designed jewels Niranjan said...

"Yes... Even the book once I studies about Ancient Indian Kings do have these models..It's difficult to find these type of statute nowadays... it should be given to Museum but not before fixing the missing part of the Statue... It might be there... there is no possible way of this type of rocks looses its Molecular bonds... So the remaining half of the face of statue must have been broken by someone with some weapon... " Guessed Arjun..

"Yes... That no ordinary weapons can able to broke this part... We have to find the remaining part of it.. Then we will the one submitting the Report before Dhusandhan.... Guess what... That Dhusandan is not as Intellegent like he portrays himself... So does The Sonalitha..."Niranjan said with hate...

"Uncle... Who is Sonalitha?... I heard she is the one who controls the Chief in Archeology department... And Dhusandan is with her?..."Arjun Questioned...

"I too don't know anything about it... They are Brother and Sister.. She have a daughter and son that's all i know... and She is a Evil one... okay.. What all we analysed just take notes and meet me in 20 mins... I have to send someone again to Ratheshwar Coloney"...

Arjun Hums in Response and backs to see the statue again...
Arjun later spends sometime in analysing the statue and the models they collected so far...But sees something scribbled at the foot base... But didn't recognize anything...

Arjun thinks to himself " i have to ask Prem... He might know..."

Brinda oops-ed herself " I forgot to give this file to Prem.. I have to give this..."
Both Brinda and Arjun coming on each side...While stepping inside Brinda slips and Arjun hold her little finger..

She keep the other hand on door knob... All the papers in the file flew in Air... They saw into each others eyes...

Same Fľäšhèš reflects through their eyes... This time it was Natasha to break their eye bond...

Natasha seethed " what have you done Brinda... These and all very important papers... Even Sir didn't hand over this to me but to you... why you are so careless..."

Both came to reality...

Brinda apologized " sorry... I just slipped... Don't worry I'll collect..."

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