Chapter 32

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    Frank looked confused. "What are you talking about? I AM Frank. What have they done to you? Did they mess with your mind?"
    Hazel grabbed Franks hand and pulled him back to step in the half circle. It was Leo who stepped up next.
    "Hey, man, you really need to get home. But if you've been brainwashed or something that could cause a sliiigght problem." He reached out to grab Percy's hand and get him away from Hiccup.
    Percy backed up closer to Hiccup. "I'm not brainwashed. But how do I know you guys are real?"
    Piper stepped up next to Leo. "Don't you trust us?" Her voice was slightly pleading but Percy didn't feel the familiar flow of her charmspeak. He backed up more, against the wall.
"It's not that.." he began to defend himself.
"Percy." Nico stepped forward. "We NEED you. don't understand how much Sally needs you. The gods miss you too. Poseidon..he hasn't been himself since you went missing again. Please." He begged.
Percy seemed torn. "H-how long have I been gone?"
Hazel answered. "I don't know.. it feels like we've been looking for you for ages."
Piper looked at Percy. There were tears in her eyes. "Why did you kill Jason?" She seemed to be trying to change the topic but Percy felt too bad and confused to notice.
"I didn't know what I was doing! It went from battling this." Hiccup and Turin were silent. They didn't seem to know what to do.
Piper shoved him at the shoulders. "That's not a good enough excuse!" Her brown hair waved wildly, the eagle feather getting caught towards the back of it.
"I-I'm sorry Piper! I'm sorry!" Percy actually felt scared of Piper. He was too overwhelmed with grief to comprehend he was stronger. "I bet he's in Elysium. He deserved it more than me."
Piper looked down. "I guess so."
    Grover put his arm around Percy's shoulder. "C'mon man let's just go home! It's been ages since we've hung out and I'm sure Juniper wouldn't complain if you came for dinner or something."
    Grovers fave went blank. Percy and Grover looked down at the same time to see a bar of flame through his stomach. As he fell his hat fell off, exposing his tiny horns. He hit the ground, twitched, and moved no more.

Sorry for not update as often as I normally do. I was busy yesterday, went to my friends birthday party :3

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