Chapter 12

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    Percy smiled as Storm hobbled off the cliff. The dragon spread his wings and shook back and forth on the air currents.
    The blue dragon straightened itself. Turin grinned and Percy grinned back.
    Then something swooped in the sky. The shadow swooped over Percy like I had suddenly become night. A flash of red slammed into Storm. Turin was flung off of his mount. Snap reacted immediately and leaped off of the giant platform. He snatched the falling boy in his claws.
    Storm, however, was not so lucky. Both boys and Snap knew not even the strength of three of them combined could lift up a Thunderdrum. The dragon plummeted to the ground.
Snap couldn't control much of what he was doing. He glided in circles closer and closer to the ground trying to reach his friend. This time, a flash of blue zooms into sight.
Snap was getting decently close to the ground but not quickly enough. The blue headed to where the dragon had skidded.
Roars of pain rang through the forest as Percy's dragon landed. The blue dragon dashed away as the trio ran towards the wreckage.
Turin was the first to reach Storm. He lay his head and arms over his dragon. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine." It didn't seem much like he was talking to Storm, but more to himself.
Storm had big gashes along his sides and blood gushed out of them. Turin tried to cover them up with his arms but they were too persistent. The dragon groaned in pain.
The red and blue dragons circled overhead. Percy glared at them. "Monstrous Nightmares. No other dragon could hurt a Thunderdrum so much."
Turin didn't respond. He had his head on his dragon silently weeping. Every one of them knew Turins companion and closest friend wouldn't make it.
Turin patted Storms side. "May V-Valhalla treat you well." Percy turned around from watching the attacker dragons to see Storms eyes had glazed over. He sighed.
Looking at Snap he swung his arm over his dragons shoulder. "I don't know what I would do if you were gone." He commented.
During his time with Turin he and Snap had grown close.
They went scavenging for small treasures on the beach sometimes as a small start. One time Percy had swamped Snap with some sea water. Those were some good times. It was obvious those wouldn't happen now. It just felt these attack dragons would multiply and keep attacking. Percy was already longing for those long and silent walks with Snap or their loud an wet fishing trips. Percy snapped back into reality.
He turned. "Yeah." His voice was hollow, full of want.
Percy held out his hand for Turin to get up. "It's not safe here let's get going home."

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