Safe and Sound - Dick Grayson x Batsis

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Prompt: heey, can I request a fic where reader is batman's badass daughter and dick grayson 'babysitting' her (sparring or something)?

"Dick. You and me. Sparring ring. Now." You say commandingly taking your brother by the hand and dragging him down to the Batcave. You had been left behind for patrol again and it's all because of your hovering over protective family.

"Why are you angry at me?" Dick cried defensively, misunderstanding who your anger was directed at.

"I'm not angry at you. I just really need to punch something." You growled, throwing your jacket to the side of the platform once you were down in the damp cold cavern.

"So I'm naturally your first choice?" Dick asked, sounding a little offended.

"You're my only choice. Everyone else is out on patrol. Now quit your whining and fight me already." You say raising your fists and getting into the natural fighting stance you've practically lived in since you were a small child. Oh the lessons that took priority when you were the daughter of Batman ...

"You know I'm beginning to think this family has some major communication issues." Dick commented lightly, taking a defensive stance that allowed you to take control of the pace of the fight. You wasted no time in starting to throw your punches. They came in quick successive beats fueled by your burning anger. The force of your attack caused Dick to stumble back a bit in surprise, not expecting you to be this worked up. You knew you shouldn't be hitting this hard for a spar but god damn it you were pissed.

"Woah, [Y/N], tone it down a bit will you?" Dick warned. You nodded and ground out a quick apology before reinitiating the battle, this time at much more manageable pace.

"Stupid Jason." You said accentuating your words with a punch. "Stupid Damian." Punch. "Stupid Tim." Punch. "Stupid." Punch. "Father." You ended with a fierce powerful blow. Luckily Dick skillfully evaded your intensifying attacks.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dick asked hesitantly.

"They coddle me!" You cried angrily. "It's like they don't think I can handle myself" You seethed.

"Oh... " Dick said suddenly understanding where the fuel is coming from. He wasn't surprised that you were angry, this had been a reoccurring issue as you get older and more independent. On the other hand Dick was just just as protective of you as the rest of the family was so he could understand where they were coming from as well. "They mean well [Y/N]." Dick reassured.

"I don't care if they mean well! All of you were allowed to go out on patrol before you were even teenagers! I had to wait until I was 15! And even now I'm not allowed to go out alone like the rest of you are! It's like they don't trust me!" You cried angrily.

"They're only trying to protect you, you know that." Dick said gently, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Well I wish they wouldn't! I'm just as good as the rest of you the only difference is I'm never given the chance to show it." You said your voice lowering sadly. Your spar was long since forgotten and you both stood there in silence with your breathing labored from exertion.

"I'll talk to them, little robin. Maybe they'll listen to me." Dick offered gently after a few moments of silence.

"Thanks Dick." You said.

"You're good, little robin. Don't give up just yet."

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