Day 39: God's Will (1)

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This is something I have struggled a lot with lately. God has put each and every one of us on this earth for a very specific reason. I completely believe this to be true. Here's the hard part: what is His will for my life? I think about this every day, and my thoughts usually lead me to frustration. I have ideas of what want to do in this life, but they may not add up to what God wants me to do in this life. That's when the praying comes in. I pray day after day that God leads me on the right paths. When God understands how much we want to live for Him, there is no reason that He would not help us find the right way. Lately, I have been very interested in missionary work. How wonderful would it be to directly impact people's lives daily? How incredible! The problem is, I don't know if this is what God has in store for my life. The Bible reminds me to just take life day by day with trust that He will help us make the proper next step. Oh how I want this trust! If this is you, we shall pray together and work on our trust muscles because they could sure use some working out..

If you are really having trouble discovering what God's will is for your life, here are places you could start searching. These are all things I do!

First of all, it can be difficult at first to tell if it is God's will. I know this because I have the hardest time discovering what is God's path when I am not continuously in His word. When we don't talk, I can't tell what He wants me to do. This is because God gives me my answers when we meet. That is when He speaks. The more I get into the Bible and find quiet time with Him, the more He speaks to me. I cannot immediately tell you that something is God's will. His will is so great that I can't comprehend it! So did into His Word every day. The more you do, He WILL begin to lead you down the path. In fact, He will begin to tell you directly. I would also suggest a devotional book. These are outstanding ways to connect with God and your emotions. Second, search your heart. What is it telling you about your situation? I often times look at the predicament placed before me. Usually I am caught between two different things. I ask myself, "What do I feel like God wants me to do?" Sometimes, it is what I don't want to do. That doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. It simply means that it may be a road that is harder, or less traveled. As Christians, our goal is to walk down a road less traveled because Jesus IS less traveled. Try and distinguish what is the devil's words (as the devil does try and disguise himself as God -- just see the serpent in Genesis!) and what is God's voice. When you really listen, one (God's) is much stronger than the other.

Lastly, after much prayer and time with God, make your decision. Not saying it will be, but it may not be the easiest path to take. God wants us to put our trust in Him. It can be hard when the road is rocky, but He promises to walk with us if He takes us somewhere. I love Proverbs 3:5-6 because it helps me to know that although I may not understand God's plan, once I decide to trust it, understanding will come. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." I hope this helps. You may also enjoy this website. I found it helpful. If you ever have any more questions, feel free to message me.

With love, Katelyn.

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