Day 4: Hello? Is anyone there?

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I write to you today out of complete curiosity. I faithfully write each week. I do receive views on my posted blogs, but some weeks I receive none. I have no idea who is reading them, if anyone. I write this partially because it is an assignment, and partially because I have incredible hope that someone out there is reading and benefiting from this. Ireally hope someone is. If they are, all of this is worth it. All it takes is me to change the heart of one person, to bring one person closer to God, or help one person to know that they are not alone in their struggles. If I can achieve that, it has been all worth it. I could come to you and write lousy sentences that lack meaning and understanding. I, however, don't want to take that route. If I am doing this, I am all in. If you are reading this, and you do benefit from it, giving a +1 or a comment would be very appreciated. No, I am not pleading to be noticed. I am just wanting to know if anyone is reading my stuff. If not, I shall still write. One day, I have faith that God will bring someone to my page and someone's life can be changed by it. Love you all, Katelyn.

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