Day 25: Wanna be a warrior?

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Want to be strong, courageous, and trained to fight evil? Does the devil bring you down all the time? Do you try to fight him, but he still seems to win? Are you tired of it? Well, the answer is easier than you may think...

This probably sounded like an ad. It promises you all these things if you decide to follow its instructions. But better than a $19.99 Snuggie, it actually offers everything advertised and more. If you want to follow God and defeat the devil in all circumstances, you must develop fellowship with Him. This couldn't be any less true. I noticed that when I spend less time with God, my ability to fight Satan decreases. When I spend more time with God diving into His word, praying with Him, and listening to His words, my strength increases exponentially. God gives us strength when we develop fellowship. Think about David. With God's strength, he confidently defeated Goliath. With God's strength, you can overcome anything. So, if you want to be a warrior, start following your commander's instructions, God's desire of fellowship.


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