Day 49: Teeny Tiny Specks

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Let's stop for a second and ponder over what we worry about. Maybe it's a grade on an assignment, a job interview gone wrong, a late arrival to a big event? Did you embarrass yourself in public, forget to bring your license when you got pulled over by a cop, or even worry about that shirt your dog peed on? Notice how all these things are similar in one way: they are all tiny worries. Majority of the things I worry about day in and day out have little impact on the overall plan God has for my life. We are so used to finding something to complain about that when nothing big is there, we seemingly try to find a reason to be frustrated. Today, I realized how small we are in an incredible universe. In your free time, do some research or watch some seminars on YouTube that explain just how extremely large our earth is in our  Milky Way (which is also very small). God sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for us, teen tiny specks in the entire universe. I can't help but wonder how He could love such ordinary creatures. We are but a speck in the entire universe He has created. I can't even fathom how large our universe is because it literally blows my mind! When I realize how big God is, it makes me realize how small and insignificant my worries are. God is bigger than what holds our ginormous universe, and He is by golly much bigger than my dumb worries. If our God is so big, why do we worry about our dog peeing on our new t-shirt? Why do we worry about a messy house for guests, speaking in front of the class, being a percect size "0", and not having awkward silence during a date. Oh my.. we have hearts of worry. These things are frustrating, don't get me wrong, but they nothing to be constantly angered by. As you go to bed, think about how strong and mighty our God is. He is bigger than we will ever imagine, so we have no reason to be anxious. All these worries are but teen tiny specks in God's giant, beautiful plan for our lives. 

Matthew 6:27-29, "Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are."


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