Born To Run

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A car pulled up in the drive and a small blonde got out, her hair tied up, wearing blue jeans and a button down top. Lindsey was walking back to the house, his head down and ran to grab Stevie.

"Don't freak out" Lindsey said, watching Stevie at the dressing table.

"Why? What happened?"

"Baby, she's here"

"It's really her?" Stevie asked and he nods. "Shit" Tears well up in her eyes and she stands up to leave.

"Let's make this fast. Mom already knows we're leaving"

"I'm sorry about all of this. I just really can't see her right now. Something about her is scaring me"

"It's okay. You don't have to explain. Do you really think I would want to see her?"

"I guess not" she says, sniffing.

"Don't cry, okay? Everything's going to be fine."

Stevie pulled on her jacket and followed Lindsey out, holding onto his hand for dear life. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Carol was already sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee. As soon as they pass through the door way, he feels a hand on his arm. He turns around quickly and there his ex stands, an odd smile on her face.

"Hi Lindsey!" Carol says, and she sounds much too friendly.

"Hey Carol. We were just leaving"

"What a shame! I wish we would have had time to catch up. Married with a baby on the way? Exciting!"

"How did you know about our baby?" Lindsey asked, anger growing within him. The sight of her made Stevie sick and the dread grew in intensity with each passing second.

"Gertie told me. She's told me a lot about you guys recently"

"You deserve each other. Both horrible, rude women without an ounce of common decency"

"That's not very nice" Her voice was childish, like a little girl. She was testing him, waiting for him to make a move.

"I don't have time for pleasantries. We have a flight to catch"

"Where are you going?"

"Lindsey, let's go" Stevie whispers, squeezing his hands.

"Hold on, Stevie. Linds and I are having a great conversation here"

"I'm going to the car" Stevie says.

"No, stay here" Lindsey tells her.

"Pretty ring, Stevie."

"Thank you" she replies, really wishing Lindsey wouldn't waste more time on Carol.

"When are you due?" Carol asks Stevie.

"That's really none of your business" Lindsey tells Carol before Stevie can answer.

"I want to get the little tyke a present"

"We don't need anything from you. We really ought to be going" Lindsey turns away, going to the car with Stevie and tucking her inside.

"I guess I'll see you around. Also, congratulations on the new house. It's beautiful" Carol says, watching them intently.

Lindsey turns around, his eyes wide. "What did you say?"

"Your house. Coldwater Canyon, right?"

Lindsey gets in the car without answering and Carol smiles. He backs out of the drive and turns the radio on loud. Stevie watches his expression as they drive down the road.

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