Chapter 88

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Hazel's POV

Demi didn't come back.

She left in Winter's blue mini and never came back.

We had to fend for ourselves.

And if we told anyone we would get separated into different foster homes.

5 months passed and no adult had set foot in this house.

Carly look care of everything.

She spent all of her time watching You tube videos learning how to cook, clean and even pay bills. She managed to do an amazing impression of Demi and had an adult voice.

When we had to go to school, she lied and said that Demi had to quickly drop us off for work.

When anyone had papers that needed signing, she could do an amazing copy of Demi's signature.

It was perfect until Demi messed everything up.

Selena had recently tweeted that she and Demi were no longer friends, Maddie had told everyone she was in Australia. Winter had recently posted that she was in America. Anyone we could have been staying with was on holiday or not in England.

Demi was doing an interview.

The interviewer asked if they could see us and she replied, "no, they are back in England."

Social media, news papers and the press soon figured out that we were alone.

A friendly looking woman knocked on the door.

"Hello, Is Mummy home?" She asked.

"She's at the shops." I said trying to close the door but she stuck her foot in the door.


I sighed and opened the door.

After 7 months of being alone, an adult was in the house and telling us news we never wanted to hear.

After the interview, Demi realized her slip up. She had had it.

"Sorry, but your Mummy committed suicide." She said. "And you all need to go to new homes."

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