Chapter 57

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Wilmer's POV

Demi was about to have my child.
My child.
I freaked out.
I told Demi to go to the car and I ran upstairs.
I picked Hazel, Carly and Hunter out of their beds and ran to the car.
I strapped them in their car seats and I heard Demi cursing in the front and smiled.
We drove to Demi's parents house and dropped the children off.
"Awe, I'm going to have another Grandbaby!" Sue shouted.
"Shh, Mum your going to wake them up!" Demi said from the car.
We drove to the hospital, signed in and were taken to a hospital.
Demi got changed into her pyjamas and lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
I smiled and took a picture off her and went onto Instagram.

About to welcome my first child into the world🌎

My Instagram blew up after that so I just turned off my phone.
The nurse came in.
"I need to get this baby out!" Demi groaned.
The nurse smiled.
"Not yet, Miss Lovato!" She said and went out off the room.
Demi mumbled some curse words and rolled over.


"Come on, Miss Lovato! One more push!" The nurse shouted.
"I can't." She cried.
"Yes, you can! Come on, Dems!" I said.
She shook her head and closed her eyes and rested her head back
I heard a baby cry.
"It's a boy!!" A someone cried.
I clipped the cord and I was handed my son.
"Demi!" I said.
I felt a tear of happiness run down my face.
I looked over at Demi.
She was asleep.
"Demi?" I repeated.
She wasn't responding.
A nurse held an oxygen mask over Demi's nose and they began attaching tubes.
"What's wrong with her??" I shouted over the ruckus, machines and talking.
"Her body has gone into shock. We need to take her away to examine her." A nurse explained.
"What?!" I raised my eyebrows.

Demi was wheeled out off the hospital leaving me and my son in the room.
I sat back down and stared at my son.
It's a good job, Demi told me what she wanted to call him.
"Excuse me?" A nurse came in making me jump.
"Have you named your son yet??" She asked.
I nodded.
"What is it then?"

"Caleb Mason Lovato,"

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